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Even At Your “Worst”…Keep Creating!!!


We all know that Life can throw us curve balls that knock us off track sometimes…

Sometimes those curve balls catch us of guard and we just have to laugh our asses off at the irony and say:

“Are you serious right now?!”…

And sometimes those curve balls knock the wind out of us and force us to crouch over with our hand up in the air saying:

“Ummm…Time out…Just give me a minute to catch my breath!”…

And then there are those other moments….

Oh, those other moments…

When those curve balls just come whaling at us…

Leaving us utterly speechless because there are no words to accompany such potentially shattering experiences…

And so we slowly make our way to the ground as the pregnant tears well up in our eyes…

Hoping the earth itself can somehow support such heaviness…

And we curl into that instinctual fetal position…

And listen to the buzz of the universal’s electro magnetic OM sound…

And hope that something comes along soon as the answer to rectify these really really crappy circumstances…

But wait?…

What if these crappy circumstances are the answer?…

What if within the complexity of these complex obstacles live the simplest of answers?…

What if all you are going through is the spark for something special?…

What if all you are going through is the food for your creative hunger?…

What if all you are going through is what inspires you to create something of profound substance?…

What if all you are going through is the fire you need to make the change you wish to see and experience?…

On a microcosmic level…

And yes…

Even on a macrocosmic level…

And then even on a bigger scale still…

What if all you are going through is guiding you towards your soul’s purpose?

What else would it be there for?

Really think about that?…

What is it all for?…

Just as punishment?…

Are you so bad, that Life just wants to treat you poorly and make you suffer?….

Are you really that bad?…

Is Life really that evil?…

I don’t think so…

I really really don’t think so…

We can leave that dark theory to someone else…

It is our experiences that feed us as artists…

We bring Light to all that darkness…

And it is all that darkness that forces us to the Light…

Artistcially speaking…

And yeah…

Spiritually speaking as well…

And the truth of the matter is that the more high stake our experiences are, the more we are usually inspired by them…

A banal everyday experience does not drive us to want to create…

It is what we have been through that is that driving creative force…

Everyday we have an opportunity to take those experiences and use them towards fulfilling our best artistic creative Life…

And as artists, we get to use those experiences towards fulfilling our creative dreams…

Only you truly have the power to realize every one of your own dreams…

You have to allow all you have been through to be the spark that keeps you creating…

We all come from and are made up of that magnificent creative Source…

Even at your “worst”, your creative energies are the exact medicine that actually will always keep you going….

It is your strength…

It is what allows for you to persevere…

And let’s be honest…

Don’t worry about everyone else’s take on things…

Your inner experience need not be understood by the others…

Let that go…

We cannot possibly expect the others to viscerally understand an experience that has never been tasted…

You may struggle hearing the most uninformed (I’m trying to be PC using the word ‘uninformed’) of things in response to your experience…

But you have to put it all into perspective…

It’s like asking a small child to solve an equation without ever taking a math class…

That child would look at you like your nuts and probably cover it with some crayola crayons…


Still creative though…

That’s my kinda kid!…

Everything can only be understood by one’s accumulated Life knowledge up to that point in time…

But the experience is for you to grow, solve, expand, evolve, and share…

Yes, even at your “worst”…

Especially at your “worst”…

Keep going!

Suffer through if you must…

But never let adversity see you share a drop of fearful sweat…

Wipe your brow…

Take a breath…

Look at it in ‘its’ face…

Smile like a professional…

And say:

“Game on biatch!”

And then fight, wrestle, kick and scream with that ‘it’ if you must…

But never stop using that fire to continue creating…

Do it FOR YOU…

The power is in your hands…

In your mind…

And in your heart…

If you use what Life has given you, Life will have your back!

Now go make your creative mark!

Change Is Coming…Let Go Of Holding On


As I am sure many of you have been experiencing, especially those of you that are highly sensitive, there have been a great deal of energy shifts happening in and around all of us.

The velocity of things is intensifying and the universe is going through a powerful transformation while asking…or I should say…demanding…all of us to also accompany her/him/it on this evolutionary journey.

There is not much of a choice…

It is happening and we have the responsibility to be part of that change…that growth…and that expansion.

If it is happening ‘out there’, it is most definitely happening ‘within’ as we are all connected to the greater part of the creative expansive whole.

Of course, it is very easy for us to get alarmed by these experiences especially if we do not understand what they are.
And yes, there has been an alarming amount of crisis in our world.

However, without sounding trite, in the presence of light, humanity, without fail, is infinitely stronger together than the desperately despicable attempts and actions of darkness.

And it is exactly that light that is calling upon all of us to match its frequency now.
In order for us to match that frequency, many are experiencing growing pains to get there.

Just as we have growing pains from all the transitions of childhood to adulthood, so do we have these similar pains as we shed what no longer serves in order to evolve into our higher collective self.

Very often, as these expansive energy shifts happen, they can cause some intense physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual experiences that may feel like crisis because they quite obviously differ from those in our familiar everyday life.

But they are guiding us to change for our best and highest good.

For the universal good.

A change that aids our soul’s individual mission here on this beautiful planet to help one another get back to the ultimate truth.

Some may feel highly emotional.

Maybe you catch yourself crying or laughing out of the blue without even understanding where it is coming from.

Some may have odd feelings of confusion.

Others may be experiencing agitation, irritability, or even outburst of irrational anger.

There may be those of you that have the feeling of just wanting to impulsively change everything including your job, location, relationships, etc.

Maybe you just want to get away.

There are those that may just do the opposite and want to cling onto everything for dear life.

And then there are those that may even get so triggered by these shifts that they act out in self destructive behavior as a coping mechanism to deal with these changes because they feel it is just too much at one time.

This is an important time individually and universally.

The best piece of advice I can give during these times is to let go of holding on.

I know these times can feel so extremely difficult.

It is especially during these times that we do indeed want to clench onto what feels familiar by believing they serve as some sort of life preserver preventing us from drowning in the unknown.

But sometimes it is our holding onto the familiar that is actually the very thing that is keeping us in the circumstances we are trying to free ourself from in order to expand and grow.

What if the unknown is not the enemy we seem to be defining it as?

What if it is the hallelujah we have been seeking?

What if beyond that wall of our everyday rigid belief system and structure lives the key to our personal and collective healing, to our freedom, and even to the bliss of our true purpose.

To get there, we have to be willing to do the work.
We have to go into the trenches.

We have to be willing to face what is not serving us and LET IT GO to make room for what does.
And we have to have the Strength, Courage, Perseverance, Willingness, Self Trust, Self Nurturing, and Self Love to do this kind of work.

Of course others may be of service but the truth is it is ALL YOU in relationship to your role with the universe.

It can only happen from and through you.

Do yourself the favor and break free from any bondage that is not good to you, for you, and about you.

Then climb over that tall wall no matter how difficult it may be.

Use your blood, sweat, and tears to finally meet your true Self on the other side of what is keeping you from your own personal evolution so you can join in the universal evolution.

Once you get there, I guarantee you will wonder why you held onto all the other stuff as long as you had.

A change for the better is coming.

The universe wants you to be happy, healthy, vibrant, successful, and encompassed by love and compassion.

It is just waiting for you to join in the momentum.


Problems…We All Got ‘Em!

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We live in a day and age of “problems”.

Yes problems!

We all have them and we all want to get rid of them.

And our problems are definitely worse than that guy’s petty issues over there.

On our initial quest to overcoming these roadblocks, we usually search for that quick fix that will make it instantaneously ok.

If that doesn’t work, then “Maybe it is all in your head, my dear. Have you tried Prozac?”.

Frustration builds, muscles tighten, and we start to blame everything and everyone that we know to loosen our own responsibilty of this present Life we are surviving.

So here we are, alone, stuck in a world of dilemma, as if it were the quicksand of our soul.

We suffocate with emotions of discouragement, despair, depression, anxiety, fear, anger, resentment, and unfortunately in many cases, the danger of hopelessness.

Our problems are the bondage that keep us from our greatest potential.

Ugh, how do we get out of this mess?

Let’s face it, Life is a complicated puzzle that requires a dive into the unknown.

Even when one part of the equation is so-called “solved”, another storm comes to shake things up.

We fight for survival.

We fight for stability.

We fight for that idea of what we believe our Life should or at the very least could be.

So now we experience all those moments of frustration and fatigue from the continual process of searching for answers to unanswerable questions.

We taste painful moments of gutteral tears because the desire to live Life’s fullness feels so limited.

Then there is the inexplicable isolation as we get swallowed by our own labyrinth of journeying to salvation.

What is happening? OMG!  How did this happen? WTF?!

Eventually things become so complicated, so terrifying, so chaotic, that finally everything short circuits…

Everything stops.

All of the sudden there is foreign silence.

There is a strange peace.

There is unfamiliar perspective.

We begin to breathe.

We begin to surrender.

We begin to connect to a divine intelligence within us that changes the channel from “Why me?” to “OK, I’m listening.”

Our problems have not shown up in our Life as a punishment.

In fact, it is quite the opposite.

All this time we have spent running from the thing that we have labeled as torture when it has actually been the spark that ignites our transmutation.

When we finally let go, we realize that our problems are a gift of profound transformation.

They require us to ask questions of ourself that we would not normally do so.

They make it possible to release things and relationships that no longer serve our best and highest good.

They strengthen our will.

They deepen our faith.

They ignite our perseverance.

They hold us accountable.

The force us into the NOW.

They plant the seed for creativity which far exceeds what we ever thought possible.

They open us mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

The truth of the matter is that the real miracle of all our obstacles is that they leads us to a journey home.

They stimulate the journey of self love.

They make us warriors for our own well being.

They turn us into seekers of truth and authenticity.

When we are truly able to connect with and trust that place within ourself, things start shifting.

All of the sudden the answers start showing up easily and accurately .

Health, peace, bliss, joy, happiness, creativity, realized dreams,  abundance, and love become the byproducts of everything we once resisted.

So when all Life’s problems begin to overwhelm and we ask ourself , “What the hell does it take to get out of this mess?”

The answer is and always has been YOU.


Yes, YOU.

It is all YOU.

YOU have it all within you.

And it is greater than you have ever been led to believe.

The Artist’s Mantra


“When most exclaim: I am done! The creative warrior quietly states: I am just beginning.”~#MarioCampanaro©



“If a caterpillar can do it, so can you!” ~#MarioCampanaro ©

Life’s Rollercoaster


“Ride life’s rollercoaster with your hands high in the sky.”~#MarioCampanaro ©



“You are the alchemist of your own life. But if you are not willing to change your reality, who else can?”~#MarioCampanaro ©