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Problems…We All Got ‘Em!

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We live in a day and age of “problems”.

Yes problems!

We all have them and we all want to get rid of them.

And our problems are definitely worse than that guy’s petty issues over there.

On our initial quest to overcoming these roadblocks, we usually search for that quick fix that will make it instantaneously ok.

If that doesn’t work, then “Maybe it is all in your head, my dear. Have you tried Prozac?”.

Frustration builds, muscles tighten, and we start to blame everything and everyone that we know to loosen our own responsibilty of this present Life we are surviving.

So here we are, alone, stuck in a world of dilemma, as if it were the quicksand of our soul.

We suffocate with emotions of discouragement, despair, depression, anxiety, fear, anger, resentment, and unfortunately in many cases, the danger of hopelessness.

Our problems are the bondage that keep us from our greatest potential.

Ugh, how do we get out of this mess?

Let’s face it, Life is a complicated puzzle that requires a dive into the unknown.

Even when one part of the equation is so-called “solved”, another storm comes to shake things up.

We fight for survival.

We fight for stability.

We fight for that idea of what we believe our Life should or at the very least could be.

So now we experience all those moments of frustration and fatigue from the continual process of searching for answers to unanswerable questions.

We taste painful moments of gutteral tears because the desire to live Life’s fullness feels so limited.

Then there is the inexplicable isolation as we get swallowed by our own labyrinth of journeying to salvation.

What is happening? OMG!  How did this happen? WTF?!

Eventually things become so complicated, so terrifying, so chaotic, that finally everything short circuits…

Everything stops.

All of the sudden there is foreign silence.

There is a strange peace.

There is unfamiliar perspective.

We begin to breathe.

We begin to surrender.

We begin to connect to a divine intelligence within us that changes the channel from “Why me?” to “OK, I’m listening.”

Our problems have not shown up in our Life as a punishment.

In fact, it is quite the opposite.

All this time we have spent running from the thing that we have labeled as torture when it has actually been the spark that ignites our transmutation.

When we finally let go, we realize that our problems are a gift of profound transformation.

They require us to ask questions of ourself that we would not normally do so.

They make it possible to release things and relationships that no longer serve our best and highest good.

They strengthen our will.

They deepen our faith.

They ignite our perseverance.

They hold us accountable.

The force us into the NOW.

They plant the seed for creativity which far exceeds what we ever thought possible.

They open us mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

The truth of the matter is that the real miracle of all our obstacles is that they leads us to a journey home.

They stimulate the journey of self love.

They make us warriors for our own well being.

They turn us into seekers of truth and authenticity.

When we are truly able to connect with and trust that place within ourself, things start shifting.

All of the sudden the answers start showing up easily and accurately .

Health, peace, bliss, joy, happiness, creativity, realized dreams,  abundance, and love become the byproducts of everything we once resisted.

So when all Life’s problems begin to overwhelm and we ask ourself , “What the hell does it take to get out of this mess?”

The answer is and always has been YOU.


Yes, YOU.

It is all YOU.

YOU have it all within you.

And it is greater than you have ever been led to believe.

Trusting Your Gut


“The danger of overthinking is that it can easily become an addiction preventing you from trusting your gut instincts.”~#MarioCampanaro ©

Impulses Of The Heart


“Sometimes the impulses of the heart have to outweigh the instincts of the mind.”~#MarioCampanaro ©

Reconnecting To Your Messengers


We all posses energetic reactions that occur as messengers to our present circumstances.

They can manifest in a myriad of ways but mostly noticed as the physical or emotional feeling life.

Yet we have gotten caught up in criticizing and second guessing these messengers that very often we lose our way and endlessly search for answers that innately exist within our own being.

Our lack of faith in our feeling life condemns us into a cerebral world shutting down our instinctual fire.

It does not take Jung or Freud to understand that this probably comes from years of being told what’s appropriate about how to feel and then react based on those feelings.

The truth is we are not encouraged to feel our feelings and trust our instincts.

We are taught to listen and believe what the ‘adults’ or ‘educators’ say is THE way.

Unfortunately for the artist, this conditioning can deprive us the opportunity to discover our own flow in a healthy creative manner.

How many times as children have we had our feelings surrounding a particular experience only to be shut down because it threatens the comfort zone of what is normal?

As a result, we reluctantly begin to adjust our feelings and hush our inner guide.

We develop habits in order to cope with our feeling life and manipulate our experience to go the way it is ‘suppose to go’.

We become a puppet pulled by the strings of our own avoidance.

Maybe we laugh, joke, sigh, hold our breathe, excessively clean, overwork, become sexually compulsive, drink, smoke, use drugs, etc just to hide from these physical and emotional messengers.

However when we allow ourself the opportunity to truly dip into and flow from this place of our own inner truth, our instincts open the floodgates for our own individual wisdom, guidance, and knowledge.

We begin to dissolve our own limitations, disintegrate our conditioning, and follow through with what we know is good and true for our best and highest purpose.

Being attuned, willing to trust, and allowing ourself to get back to this natural state gets us off the detour and on the right path for our individual needs.

That’s the gift of our feelings and the job of our instincts.

These are our own special little messengers.

The Forgotten Miracle Within


We all have a miracle within us that innately knows what to do.

Think about it.

We possess an inexplicable force that takes us moment to moment without monitoring our internal biological circumstances.

Our heart beats on its own.

We inhale oxygen without having to tell our body to do so.

Our blood circulates.

We turn food into energy.

Our cells reproduce without an instructional manual.

This force allows us to just BE.

We trust it and as long as it is in balance, we let it flow without a critical eye.

However, we have been conditioned to not trust this force nor our own instincts.

We begin to seek an “idea” of what we think this moment, here and now, should be.

We overlook the most reliable place to access our most concrete truth.

This way of being simply negates our very own divinity.

As a result, we begin to watch, listen, and monitor our every move causing a complete paralysis of the creative and healing energy needed moment to moment.

Everything we need comes from within and therefore is effortlessly attracted and manifested.

Our being is an inexplicably intelligent organism whose one and only objective is to sustain its peace, balance, harmony, and aliveness in the NOW moment.

This is what every human’s primary need is everyday.

This is the journey of every character we will ever reveal.

When we begin to experience specific blocks in our life and work, we receive messages, whether they be physical manifestations in the body, or even a slight voice that is whispering to us to pay attention to a specific need.

The closest and most intimate relationship we will ever experience is with ourself and our innate Spirit.

This is a relationship that we MUST learn to turn to for what serves our best and highest needs.

This relationship with ourself is one that MUST be a relationship of limitless trust.

Go within and seek the answers that we may be exhaustingly searching outwardly.

Go within and listen to that soft subtle voice that tells us what we truly know but may be ignoring.

Pay attention to the physical sensations in our body that our Spirit is sending to awaken us to pay more attention.

When we begin to tap into this crucial trust in ourself, only then can we experience what it feels like to live freely in your work.

Ask the questions and listen for the answers! They are there! Be patient! Trust!

Be aware! Become conscious! Awaken!