▫️ TAG ▫️SHARE ▫️COMMENT ⚪️For more information on Mario Campanaro For The Actor & MC²=Mario Campanaro’s Masterclass, please contact our administrative department at assistant.MC2@gmail.com or visit us at www.MarioCampanaro.com (Click link in profile)
▫️ TAG ▫️SHARE ▫️COMMENT ⚪️For more information on Mario Campanaro For The Actor & MC²=Mario Campanaro’s Masterclass, please contact our administrative department at assistant.MC2@gmail.com or visit us at www.MarioCampanaro.com (Click link in profile)
So…it’s Pilot Season!
For many actors this is a time of great opportunity and excitement.
But for others this could be a time of disappointment, disregard, and even depression.
Whatever the case may be, I want you to realize that you are the Pilot of your season.
Meaning you have the opportunity to be the controller of how you experience your reality during this time based on how you utilize your thoughts and your energies.
Are you squandering them in overwhelm, jealousy, competition, stress, and helplessness?
Or are you being fruitful with those energies by using them towards the creative process of either opportunities that are coming to you from an outside source or opportunities that you are more than capable of creating for yourself…
My point is that you are not a helpless victim in this industry!
You are an active participant of this industry capable of creating a reality that serves you based on how you align your thoughts, energies, and potentials to work for you!
Here are five easy but crucial steps I work on with all my students/clients to keep them from crashing during the potential craziness of the industry’s most anticipated season:
1. Maintain your peace:
Whether you are going out like crazy or you are not going out as much as you would like, it is essential that you maintain your peace and stay grounded.
Be the oak tree in the storm rather than the blade of grass being easily blown every which way.
Stress depletes us of our vital creative forces and prevents us from executing and achieving our greatest potential.
2. Do not compare yourself to others:
You are the president of your own corporation and that corporation is one of a kind.
Comparing yourself to another is fruitless and serves nothing other than creating a false sense of competition which is a complete waste of mental space and energy.
Whether you would like to admit it or not, you are not competing against anyone.
Your only competition is the illusory internal fear that tries to get you to believe that you cannot materialize your greatest dreams.
Your essence is either right in the minds of those choosing casting or it simply may not align for a particular role/project at that time.
Either way, always stay true to yourself and do not get fixed on an idea of what you think is being sought.
You are your instrument so play it with honesty, pride, and integrity.
Live your truth in the reality of the circumstances and trust that your individual approach is worthy of being considered…because it is!
And who knows, your essence may change the whole idea of what was originally being sought.
3. Accountability:
Do your work!
You are an artist with a craft for a reason.
It is not enough to just memorize your lines.
You have to endow the life that gives birth to the lines.
The same information you know in relationship to your life, the character would also know in relationship to his or her’s.
Always be sure to bring that level of truth and sophistication to your work and in the room or on tape.
Trust and utilize your skills to bring walking life to the written page by utilizing the entirety of your instrument.
Take risks but never under estimate your simplicity.
There is power in it.
4. Own the room:
Do not go into any situation with a sense of intimidation or apology for what you are bringing in.
If you are given a note, take it and then execute it instinctively.
But do not hold onto it.
You have invested a lot of time, energy, and in many cases money into that situation that, lets be honest, 9 out of 10 times does not bring the return as immediately as we hope.
Go in there and give it your all because you deserve to be there.
Do you hear that?
You are deserving, worthy, and earned the right to be be there!
That audition is your time!
It is your time and your time is just as important and valuable as anyone else’s!
You re not a dime a dozen!
You are You!
One of a kind!
And you are priceless!
5. Let it go:
Once you leave the room, the audition has concluded.
If things went amazing, great!
If things did not go as well as you had hoped, take a few minutes to process what can be adjusted for your next opportunity and then move on.
Go to the gym, read a book, watch a movie, get a coffee, burn some incense, do some yoga, meditate, paint a picture, eat an entire cake…whatever.
Give yourself the freedom from the mental torture of holding onto an idea of how thing should have gone.
Do not stay in the bondage of the past.
Holding onto events of past completely dimishes the present and who knows what you may be missing out on.
The present is the very thing that holds an infinite amount of inspiration that can be utilized for future creative endeavors.
Stay open to what is meant to be in perfect alignment for you.
Give yourself the chance to appreciate the fact that you just put yourself through a very stressful and rigorous process that derserves your kindess, support, compassion, nurturing, and even celebration.
And keep this in mind…
Maybe you are not so much auditioning to see if you are right for a role…
Maybe the universe is auditioning the role to see if it is right for you!
I am rooting for you!
Break A Leg and have an amazing Pilot Season!
Transcript Of Video:
“I think it is those moments…
Where you feel like you just cannot go any further…
Those moments when you feel like you are going to crumble to the ground…
And you are going to fall apart…
That actually become the moments…
That defines you as an actor…
And an artist…
Because it is those moments…
That ask you to ask questions…
Of what you are doing…
And why you are doing it…
And when you really confront those questions…
You get in touch with the love you have for the art form that you have chosen…
It asks of you to pull yourself up by your bootstraps…
No matter the circumstances that are surrounding you…
And find that fire within you…
Find that passion within you…
Find that perseverance within you…
That overcomes any obstacles that are standing in your way…
So that you are able to laser focus your mind…
And your intention…
On fulfilling the pursuit of your dream…
The pursuit of your love in art…
In acting…
In music…
In painting…
Whatever you are pursuing…
And it is those things that open your vocabulary…
As an artist…
So you are able to put that understanding of the human condition…
In whatever kind of work you are doing…
But it is those moments…
That really shows us how strong we are!”
It goes without saying that 2018 was quite a complex year full of many peaks and valleys…
We have all witnessed some incredible victories/evolutions/expansions/awakenings/healings/transformations around our great big globe…
Some of them due to nature’s divine intervention…
Some due to happenstance…
And some of them due to the ever present light and goodness that still lives within humanity…
We have also witnessed many inexplicable tragedies/losses/sufferings/despair/confusion/anger/rage/destruction around our great big globe…
Some of them due to natural disasters…
Some of them due to happenstance…
And some of them due to the still ever present darkness and evils that still lives within humanity…
And within the immense rollercoaster of all those ups and downs, one thing remains certain…
We made it through to another year on this great big globe…
And depending on the lens we choose to see life through…
It could be a blessings or it could be a struggle…
We always say this coming year is going to be the year…
And it is…
Because it is all we have and we are still here, kicking and breathing…
This new year, like every new year, is our individual chance to take what we have learned through all the ups and down and build upon it for the better…
To not make obligated resolutions…
But to make personal choices that allow each and every one of us to be better than we were yesterday…
Not just for ourself…
But for all…
To take a look at what we don’t want in life so we can damn well choose what we do…
To face what no longer serves & cast it out in order to make room for what does…
To allow ourselves to make the decision to no longer settle for impossibility…
To find all that internal strength & power that we each posses and use it to lift each other to our highest potential…
To rise to the occasion to what it means to be evolved living in an evolved world…
To take everything that we have been given yesterday…
The good & the bad…
The dark & the light…
And use it all as the creative flame to rise like the Phoenix to our most beautiful Selves today!
The power to our own transformation lives in the palm of our own hands…
And with that…
I wish you all the HAPPIEST NEW YEAR this first day of 2019!
Much Love!
Two things that you can ALWAYS count on:
1. By the nature of your birth, you have already be given EVERYTHING that you could ever possibly need to do something special with the Life you have been given.
2. As long as you are still breathing on this great big marble, you have also been given the necessary tools (internally and externally ) needed to persevere in overcoming any obstacles (internally and externally ) that you may consider standing in the way of you doing something special with the Life you have been given.
BONUS MATERIAL: You will come to realize that all that “stuff” that you have been through will become the most potent ingredients for you to do something special with the Life you have been given.
MORAL OF THE STORY: #HoldOn #Trust & #NeverGiveUp !
Transcript of Video:
“I think one of the biggest obstacles actors face…
Is this idea that they are not enough…
That who they are…
Are the core level…
Is not enough…
To bring to the material that at hand…
And so that is when acting no longer becomes fun…
That’s when acting becomes complicated…
That’s when acting becomes really heavy…
And stiff…
And there’s like this paralysis in the space…
Because they are trying to fit themselves into this idea approach…
Of what they think is suppose to be revealed…
In regards to the circumstances…
And what’s missing…
Is we’re looking for you to reveal yourself in those circumstances…
We’re looking for you to bring the accumulation of your life experiences…
And put them in these circumstances…
And see what happens…
And it’s when we get away from the idea…
And the blueprint…
Of how we think things are suppose to go…
And what we are suppose to be…
That we start to experience this exhalation in the work…
We start to experience this freedom in the work…
We start to experience fun in the work…
Because we then allow ourselves to ride the rollercoaster of the scene…
Because we are not shackled by ideas…
We’re running free…
By using ourself as the instrument…
And seeing where it goes…
In those circumstances…
And when we allow ourselves to really own who we are…
Acting no longer becomes complicated…
It makes sense…
Things make sense…
It becomes easy…
It becomes fun…
It becomes free…
So I think the more we escape…
From the idea of what we think we are supposed to be…
And own who we are…
The more our work becomes this alive thing…
That we get to witness…
And it’s beautiful…
Because we see this human being…
Having a real experience…
In a public way…
It’s kinda cool!”
Sometimes it is through the darkest and most inexplicable of circumstances that we are lead to the light…
Those same circumstances that we may think are breaking our hearts are the same circumstances that are actually breaking our hearts open…
Opening our minds, bodies, and Spirits and awakening us to something greater than we could have ever imagined…
Those same circumstances that begin to help lead the path to a greater purpose which otherwise would have never even been a thought…
And sometimes those same circumstances lead us to a tribe…
A tribe that meets through the most unlikely and even treacherous of circumstances…
A tribe that is generous in knowledge, creativity, heart, compassion, and Spirit…
And because of those circumstances, we RECOGNIZE each other…
We SEE each other…
We UNDERSTAND each other…
We CARE about each other…
We SUPPORT each other…
And, yes, we LOVE each other from one human to another…
And together we learn that once we make it out of the fire, there will be and is beauty within the ashes that result in our our greatest contributions!
Transcript Of Video:
“That word ‘No’ shows itself as rejection…
Or a myriad of other things that asks us as artists to question our self-esteem…
And our worth…
In regards to what we are doing…
And us as instruments…
And the quality of our work…
And I think it is important because that word ‘No‘ becomes an amazing exercise in mirror work…
Because that word asks us to look at if we allow ourselves to crumble in the face of that word ‘No‘…
Or if we are able to persevere when we are confronted with that word ‘No‘…
That word ‘No‘ can really touch upon and trigger these things within us that we don’t know are there…
That unconsciously take us to a place that literally brings us down…
And so when we look at that we are able to say:
‘Ok, this is what the external world is telling me…
But you know what?…
What’s in my heart is more important…
And the belief I have in myself is stronger than what that external world is telling me right now.’
So it actually allows us to strengthen our will…
It allows us to strengthen our perseverance…
It allows us to strengthen our belief in ourself…
And that inner knowing to say:
‘Yes, I should be doing what I’m doing…
And that I believe in what I am doing…
And that I am going to continue to do what I am doing…
Despite all this rejection.’
Because honestly, the rejection has nothing to do with you…
What it really says, in my opinion, is that:
‘This puzzle piece doesn’t fit your puzzle piece at this time…
But there is a puzzle piece out there…
That does fit your puzzle piece.’
So you keep going…
Until you find that puzzle piece…
And something clicks…
And then you know…
You know what?
‘It was worth me going on this journey…
And I’m going to continue to do it…
And I’m going to continue to find all those puzzle pieces…
That put this grand picture of my life together.’
That’s where that word ‘No‘ becomes magic!”
Click Here To Read The Full VoyageLA Feature!
It was wonderful to be able to sit down and get up close and personal about my journey and that of MC²=Mario Campanaro’s Masterclass in an interview for
VoyageLA’s Feature Article:
LA’s Most Inspiring Stories!
Today we’d like to introduce you to Mario Campanaro.
Mario, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
I guess it all started as a child. I had never really felt like I fit in anywhere. I always felt different somehow from those in my area except for a select few that were also known around town as the “oddballs.”
- Website: www.mariocampanaro.com
- Email: assistant.mc2@gmail.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mariocampanaro/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mariocampanaro/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/mariocampanaro
- Blog: http://www.mariocampanaro.com/blog
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClKklACQkmptu0rbsKHHrJw