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Two Things You Can Always Count On!


Two things that you can ALWAYS count on:

1. By the nature of your birth, you have already be given EVERYTHING that you could ever possibly need to do something special with the Life you have been given.

2. As long as you are still breathing on this great big marble, you have also been given the necessary tools (internally and externally ) needed to persevere in overcoming any obstacles (internally and externally ) that you may consider standing in the way of you doing something special with the Life you have been given.

BONUS MATERIAL: You will come to realize that all that “stuff” that you have been through will become the most potent ingredients for you to do something special with the Life you have been given.

MORAL OF THE STORY: #HoldOn #Trust & #NeverGiveUp !

Outliers.tv Interview


In this week’s episode of  Outliers.tv I had the amazing opportunity to sit down and get up close and personal with @jorgeperezjr @wakingupwithryan speaking about some vulnerable subjects that I do not often reveal.

We dive deep into how and why I work the way I do with actors, artists, and those persevering in overcoming personal obstacles.

I open up about my relationship with healing chronic illness, my relationship with Spirit, my own personal obstacles, and the experiences which have brought me to where I am today.

This is one discussion about hope, love, and inspiration that you won’t want to miss! Thanks for having me on guys!
Be sure to check it out here and www.outliers.tv or on iTunes

You can also listen to the podcast at the link below: