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Going Beyond Limitation…

When times are tough and obstacles seems insurmountable…
 Do you exclaim: 
OK, I”m done!
Or do you simply state:
OK, I am just beginning.”
How far are you willing to go?
What standard do you hold yourself to?
What feeds your inspiration?
What gives birth to your creative genius?
Are you driven by the passion of your creative fire?
Or the hot steam of what you want to hear yourself say about it?
Why are actors such a powerful and essential force for humanity?
Do you even know how powerful you truly are?
Why is it such an honor to be able work in this profession?
If these questions vibrate within you, then you will not want to miss this powerful MC² Actors Studio Masterclass Interview.

MC² Actors Studio An Ensemble Oriented Acting Studio Cultivating Craft For The Professional Actor For more information MC² Actors Studio & MC²=Mario Campanaro’s Masterclass, please contact our administrative department at or visit us at Visit our new MC² Actors Studio Amazon Store Front at: #mariocampanaro #mc2actorsstudio #mc2masterclass #actingstudio 

Why Are You An Actor/Artist?…

In this Masterclass discussion, we open up about how very often there are going to be times during the journey that we are going to confront many bumps in the road. These peaks and valleys will very often challenge our relationship to acting. Why wouldn’t they? Our work uses the Self as the instrument to create the music of life for our artistry while also serving to live story in the safety of givens…for the purpose of community and the awareness of all the trials and tribulations of the human condition. And that Self is the very beautiful, very complex, very layered, very sensitive and very vulnerable human instrument. The work in and of itself will inevitably bring up a myriad of complex obstacles and therefore a self-exploration that asks us to question why we have taken on this journey of being an actor/artist. The industry and business side of being an actor/artist is a whole other mountain that can really trigger a myriad of circumstances causing a lot of dissonance within the relationship to our work. These difficult times can manifest complicated thoughts and feelings such as frustration, depression, competition, anger, resentment, self-esteem issues and more often than not, a love/hate relationship to the work. It can also trigger very complex issues within the Self creating a very interesting labyrinth of self-exploration that necessitates the need for observing, understanding and even possibly healing those triggers that threaten our relationship to our work/art and go so far as stimulate unproductive self-deprecating and self-destructive thoughts/feelings/emotions/behavior. Whether it is stemming from the work itself, the industry /business side of things, our own personal history or any other known or hidden factors, they all ask us to question what we are doing and why? I encourage you that when times get rough, always try to go back to that first time you chose to follow the path of your artistry. Remind yourself why you made the choice to do it and connect to that within your mind, body and spirit. Connect to that reason that first inspired you, excited you, motivated you, stimulated you, and called you to the craft. And then hold that dear in your heart.
I hope you enjoy this very open discussion.
With love,


TAG ▫️SHARE ▫️COMMENT ⚪️For more information on Mario Campanaro For The Actor & MC²=Mario Campanaro’s Masterclass, please contact our administrative department at or visit us at

How Generous Are You Willing To Be?…


▫️ TAG ▫️SHARE ▫️COMMENT ⚪️For more information on Mario Campanaro For The Actor & MC²=Mario Campanaro’s Masterclass, please contact our administrative department at or visit us at

For The Purpose Of Art…


▫️ TAG ▫️SHARE ▫️COMMENT ⚪️For more information on Mario Campanaro For The Actor & MC²=Mario Campanaro’s Masterclass, please contact our administrative department at or visit us at (Click link in profile)

Playing Life’s Unmentionables…



⚪️For more information on Mario Campanaro For The Actor & MC²=Mario Campanaro’s Masterclass, please contact our administrative department at or visit us at (Click link in profile)

You Are Not As Minimal As You Are Allowing Yourself To Believe…

Transcript Of Video:


I can tell you right off the bat…

You are not even giving yourself credit of what you are capable of…

Right now…

You are using the words:

‘I can’t’…

As an excuse for you to not take a step deeper into who you are…

And to know who you are…

And to come into the power of who you are…

You have to realize that…

Within you lives everything and anything…

You just have to be willing…

To actually start digging deeper…

So you can access those amazing qualities…

But also the most unmentionable parts of who you are…

That you can then bring to your work…

You know…

We are so taught that the answers live outside of ourselves…

That we are always looking outside of us to fulfill us…

But the truth of the matter is…

We have to start learning to dig deeper within…

And know who we are…

Learn our power…

And then be willing to own that…

To bring that to our work…

But you have to know something…

If you stop where you are right now…

You are literally giving yourself an excuse…

To not succeed…

You have to give yourself every excuse TO succeed…

And that means going…

Further and further…

And deeper and deeper…

And never stopping…

Until you come to terms with everything that you are…


And once you come close to even tasting how powerful you are…

As a human being…

And as an artist…

Your whole world is going to start lighting up!”

2019 Allow Your Inner Phoenix To Rise!


It goes without saying that 2018 was quite a complex year full of many peaks and valleys…

We have all witnessed some incredible victories/evolutions/expansions/awakenings/healings/transformations around our great big globe…

Some of them due to nature’s divine intervention…

Some due to happenstance…

And some of them due to the ever present light and goodness that still lives within humanity…

We have also witnessed many inexplicable tragedies/losses/sufferings/despair/confusion/anger/rage/destruction around our great big globe…

Some of them due to natural disasters…

Some of them due to happenstance…

And some of them due to the still ever present darkness and evils that still lives within humanity…

And within the immense rollercoaster of all those ups and downs, one thing remains certain…

We made it through to another year on this great big globe…

And depending on the lens we choose to see life through…

It could be a blessings or it could be a struggle…

We always say this coming year is going to be the year…

And it is

Because it is all we have and we are still here, kicking and breathing…


This new year, like every new year, is our individual chance to take what we have learned through all the ups and down and build upon it for the better…

To not make obligated resolutions…

But to make personal choices that allow each and every one of us to be better than we were yesterday…

Not just for ourself…

But for all…

To take a look at what we don’t want in life so we can damn well choose what we do…

To face what no longer serves & cast it out in order to make room for what does…

To allow ourselves to make the decision to no longer settle for impossibility…

To find all that internal strength & power that we each posses and use it to lift each other to our highest potential…

To rise to the occasion to what it means to be evolved living in an evolved world…

To take everything that we have been given yesterday…

The good & the bad…

The dark & the light…

And use it all as the creative flame to rise like the Phoenix to our most beautiful Selves today!

The power to our own transformation lives in the palm of our own hands…

And with that…

I wish you all the HAPPIEST NEW YEAR this first day of 2019!

Much Love!


Yo, Smudge It Away!


Sometimes you have to take a good hard look at things for what they truly are in order to identify how things are effecting your life…

You have to be willing to make important and often challenging choices that are good to you, for you, and about you…

You have to be willing to let go of toxic thoughts, relationships, and behaviors…

You have to BE the stimulus to your own transformation…

You have to BEcome the answer you are seeking…

You have to claim your own personal power to become to person you (are) want to be…

The artist you (are) want to be…

The creative warrior you (are) want to be…

You have to know who you really are, what you are truly capable of, and what is innately within to start to access that personal journey to freedom!…

And sometimes that means you have to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps and #smudge all the toxic $h!+ away!…

(and then help another-when and if they are ready-to do the same)!

When Acting No Longer Becomes Complicated…

Transcript of Video

“I think one of the biggest obstacles actors face…

Is this idea that they are not enough…

That who they are…

Are the core level…

Is not enough…

To bring to the material that at hand…

And so that is when acting no longer becomes fun…

That’s when acting becomes complicated…

That’s when acting becomes really heavy…

And stiff…

And there’s like this paralysis in the space…

Because they are trying to fit themselves into this idea approach…

Of what they think is suppose to be revealed…

In regards to the circumstances…

And what’s missing…

Is we’re looking for you to reveal yourself in those circumstances…

We’re looking for you to bring the accumulation of your life experiences…

And put them in these circumstances…

And see what happens…

And it’s when we get away from the idea…

And the blueprint…

Of how we think things are suppose to go…

And what we are suppose to be

That we start to experience this exhalation in the work…

We start to experience this freedom in the work…

We start to experience fun in the work…

Because we then allow ourselves to ride the rollercoaster of the scene…

Because we are not shackled by ideas…

We’re running free…

By using ourself as the instrument…

And seeing where it goes…

In those circumstances…

And when we allow ourselves to really own who we are…

Acting no longer becomes complicated…

It makes sense…

Things make sense…

It becomes easy…

It becomes fun…

It becomes free…

So I think the more we escape…

From the idea of what we think we are supposed to be…

And own who we are…

The more our work becomes this alive thing…

That we get to witness…

And it’s beautiful…

Because we see this human being…

Having a real experience…

In a public way…

It’s kinda cool!”



The Magic Of The Word “No”…

Transcript Of Video:

“That word ‘No’ shows itself as rejection…

Or a myriad of other things that asks us as artists to question our self-esteem…

And our worth…

In regards to what we are doing…

And us as instruments…

And the quality of our work…

And I think it is important because that word ‘No‘ becomes an amazing exercise in mirror work…

Because that word asks us to look at if we allow ourselves to crumble in the face of that word ‘No‘…

Or if we are able to persevere when we are confronted with that word ‘No‘…

That word ‘No‘ can really touch upon and trigger these things within us that we don’t know are there…

That unconsciously take us to a place that literally brings us down…

And so when we look at that we are able to say:

‘Ok, this is what the external world is telling me…

But you know what?…

What’s in my heart is more important…

And the belief I have in myself is stronger than what that external world is telling me right now.’

So it actually allows us to strengthen our will…

It allows us to strengthen our perseverance…

It allows us to strengthen our belief in ourself…

And that inner knowing to say:

‘Yes, I should be doing what I’m doing…

And that I believe in what I am doing…

And that I am going to continue to do what I am doing…

Despite all this rejection.’

Because honestly, the rejection has nothing to do with you…

What it really says, in my opinion, is that:

‘This puzzle piece doesn’t fit your puzzle piece at this time…

But there is a puzzle piece out there…

That does fit your puzzle piece.’

So you keep going…

Until you find that puzzle piece…

And something clicks…

And then you know…

You know what?

‘It was worth me going on this journey…

And I’m going to continue to do it…

And I’m going to continue to find all those puzzle pieces…

That put this grand picture of my life together.’

That’s where that word ‘No‘ becomes magic!”

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