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Yo, Smudge It Away!


Sometimes you have to take a good hard look at things for what they truly are in order to identify how things are effecting your life…

You have to be willing to make important and often challenging choices that are good to you, for you, and about you…

You have to be willing to let go of toxic thoughts, relationships, and behaviors…

You have to BE the stimulus to your own transformation…

You have to BEcome the answer you are seeking…

You have to claim your own personal power to become to person you (are) want to be…

The artist you (are) want to be…

The creative warrior you (are) want to be…

You have to know who you really are, what you are truly capable of, and what is innately within to start to access that personal journey to freedom!…

And sometimes that means you have to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps and #smudge all the toxic $h!+ away!…

(and then help another-when and if they are ready-to do the same)!