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Playing Life’s Unmentionables…



⚪️For more information on Mario Campanaro For The Actor & MC²=Mario Campanaro’s Masterclass, please contact our administrative department at or visit us at (Click link in profile)

A Guide For Compassion


“Allow your scars to be your guide for compassion.”~#MarioCampanaro ©

The Best Education, Tool, And Strategy


“It is not so much our knowledge that makes us wise as it is our compassion. Our compassion is the teacher’s edition to the collective problem of unawareness that humans still exhibit towards one another. It is our greatest tool. It is our greatest education. It is our greatest strategy towards a better tomorrow.”~#MarioCampanaro ©

Within All That Messy Turmoil


“You will come to realize that everything you thought would destroy you would become the ingredients to your greatest contributions. Within all that messy turmoil, if you dig deep enough, you will find the key to your own creative liberation. And once you have learned your lessons well, you will use all you have learned married with your heart and soul to compassionately help others find their own special key.”~#MarioCampanaro ©