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Going Beyond Limitation…

When times are tough and obstacles seems insurmountable…
 Do you exclaim: 
OK, I”m done!
Or do you simply state:
OK, I am just beginning.”
How far are you willing to go?
What standard do you hold yourself to?
What feeds your inspiration?
What gives birth to your creative genius?
Are you driven by the passion of your creative fire?
Or the hot steam of what you want to hear yourself say about it?
Why are actors such a powerful and essential force for humanity?
Do you even know how powerful you truly are?
Why is it such an honor to be able work in this profession?
If these questions vibrate within you, then you will not want to miss this powerful MC² Actors Studio Masterclass Interview.

MC² Actors Studio An Ensemble Oriented Acting Studio Cultivating Craft For The Professional Actor For more information MC² Actors Studio & MC²=Mario Campanaro’s Masterclass, please contact our administrative department at or visit us at Visit our new MC² Actors Studio Amazon Store Front at: #mariocampanaro #mc2actorsstudio #mc2masterclass #actingstudio 

2019 Allow Your Inner Phoenix To Rise!


It goes without saying that 2018 was quite a complex year full of many peaks and valleys…

We have all witnessed some incredible victories/evolutions/expansions/awakenings/healings/transformations around our great big globe…

Some of them due to nature’s divine intervention…

Some due to happenstance…

And some of them due to the ever present light and goodness that still lives within humanity…

We have also witnessed many inexplicable tragedies/losses/sufferings/despair/confusion/anger/rage/destruction around our great big globe…

Some of them due to natural disasters…

Some of them due to happenstance…

And some of them due to the still ever present darkness and evils that still lives within humanity…

And within the immense rollercoaster of all those ups and downs, one thing remains certain…

We made it through to another year on this great big globe…

And depending on the lens we choose to see life through…

It could be a blessings or it could be a struggle…

We always say this coming year is going to be the year…

And it is

Because it is all we have and we are still here, kicking and breathing…


This new year, like every new year, is our individual chance to take what we have learned through all the ups and down and build upon it for the better…

To not make obligated resolutions…

But to make personal choices that allow each and every one of us to be better than we were yesterday…

Not just for ourself…

But for all…

To take a look at what we don’t want in life so we can damn well choose what we do…

To face what no longer serves & cast it out in order to make room for what does…

To allow ourselves to make the decision to no longer settle for impossibility…

To find all that internal strength & power that we each posses and use it to lift each other to our highest potential…

To rise to the occasion to what it means to be evolved living in an evolved world…

To take everything that we have been given yesterday…

The good & the bad…

The dark & the light…

And use it all as the creative flame to rise like the Phoenix to our most beautiful Selves today!

The power to our own transformation lives in the palm of our own hands…

And with that…

I wish you all the HAPPIEST NEW YEAR this first day of 2019!

Much Love!


Even At Your “Worst”…Keep Creating!!!


We all know that Life can throw us curve balls that knock us off track sometimes…

Sometimes those curve balls catch us of guard and we just have to laugh our asses off at the irony and say:

“Are you serious right now?!”…

And sometimes those curve balls knock the wind out of us and force us to crouch over with our hand up in the air saying:

“Ummm…Time out…Just give me a minute to catch my breath!”…

And then there are those other moments….

Oh, those other moments…

When those curve balls just come whaling at us…

Leaving us utterly speechless because there are no words to accompany such potentially shattering experiences…

And so we slowly make our way to the ground as the pregnant tears well up in our eyes…

Hoping the earth itself can somehow support such heaviness…

And we curl into that instinctual fetal position…

And listen to the buzz of the universal’s electro magnetic OM sound…

And hope that something comes along soon as the answer to rectify these really really crappy circumstances…

But wait?…

What if these crappy circumstances are the answer?…

What if within the complexity of these complex obstacles live the simplest of answers?…

What if all you are going through is the spark for something special?…

What if all you are going through is the food for your creative hunger?…

What if all you are going through is what inspires you to create something of profound substance?…

What if all you are going through is the fire you need to make the change you wish to see and experience?…

On a microcosmic level…

And yes…

Even on a macrocosmic level…

And then even on a bigger scale still…

What if all you are going through is guiding you towards your soul’s purpose?

What else would it be there for?

Really think about that?…

What is it all for?…

Just as punishment?…

Are you so bad, that Life just wants to treat you poorly and make you suffer?….

Are you really that bad?…

Is Life really that evil?…

I don’t think so…

I really really don’t think so…

We can leave that dark theory to someone else…

It is our experiences that feed us as artists…

We bring Light to all that darkness…

And it is all that darkness that forces us to the Light…

Artistcially speaking…

And yeah…

Spiritually speaking as well…

And the truth of the matter is that the more high stake our experiences are, the more we are usually inspired by them…

A banal everyday experience does not drive us to want to create…

It is what we have been through that is that driving creative force…

Everyday we have an opportunity to take those experiences and use them towards fulfilling our best artistic creative Life…

And as artists, we get to use those experiences towards fulfilling our creative dreams…

Only you truly have the power to realize every one of your own dreams…

You have to allow all you have been through to be the spark that keeps you creating…

We all come from and are made up of that magnificent creative Source…

Even at your “worst”, your creative energies are the exact medicine that actually will always keep you going….

It is your strength…

It is what allows for you to persevere…

And let’s be honest…

Don’t worry about everyone else’s take on things…

Your inner experience need not be understood by the others…

Let that go…

We cannot possibly expect the others to viscerally understand an experience that has never been tasted…

You may struggle hearing the most uninformed (I’m trying to be PC using the word ‘uninformed’) of things in response to your experience…

But you have to put it all into perspective…

It’s like asking a small child to solve an equation without ever taking a math class…

That child would look at you like your nuts and probably cover it with some crayola crayons…


Still creative though…

That’s my kinda kid!…

Everything can only be understood by one’s accumulated Life knowledge up to that point in time…

But the experience is for you to grow, solve, expand, evolve, and share…

Yes, even at your “worst”…

Especially at your “worst”…

Keep going!

Suffer through if you must…

But never let adversity see you share a drop of fearful sweat…

Wipe your brow…

Take a breath…

Look at it in ‘its’ face…

Smile like a professional…

And say:

“Game on biatch!”

And then fight, wrestle, kick and scream with that ‘it’ if you must…

But never stop using that fire to continue creating…

Do it FOR YOU…

The power is in your hands…

In your mind…

And in your heart…

If you use what Life has given you, Life will have your back!

Now go make your creative mark!

A Healing ACT(ivation) For The Artist

Dear Human Being…

Dear Artist…

Healing is not always going to be experienced as what may be labelled as ‘positive’.

It has taken an enormous accumulation of traumatic and emotional toxins to result in a present state of stagnation.

As these stored poisons energetically release from Life, there might possibly be an unpleasant cleanse mirroring the cause.

Be what it may, trust in the light within the healing process.

There awaits not only personal and artistic freedom, but also a delicious sense of peace and wellbeing to be enjoyed within daily Life.

As you read this now, I want you to know that everything you are going through, you can transcend.

You do not need someone to show you the way.

The way is already within your heart.

Listen and feel its message.

You may need to crack it open.

It may even hurt a bit.

But inside your heart center is the recollection to the way.

I promise you it is there waiting to be remembered.

You have not been forgotten.

You have been turned around and upside down to awaken you to how strong you truly are.

This is the path to your forgotten power.

No one ever said it was going to be easy.

There are going to be seasons of strife and struggle.

But it is from those accumulated moments that will come your greatest inspirations.

May you see the light in the dark.

And may you see the truth over all untruths.

May anything that disturbs your peace dissolve.

And may all that has invaded your well-being, be your greatest inspiration to your own self realization.

Much Love, Light, and All Things Good,



Becoming The Answer


“When we cannot find the answer, we must BECOME the answer. Having faith in our own ability to transform obstacles is not ego-ic. It is simply necessary.”~#MarioCampanaro ©



“Eventually things become so complicated, so terrifying, so chaotic, that finally everything short circuits…Everything stops. All of the sudden there is foreign silence. There is a strange peace.
There is unfamiliar perspective. You begin to breathe. You begin to surrender. You begin to connect to a divine intelligence within that changes the channel from ‘Why me?’ to ‘OK, I’m listening.'”~#MarioCampanaro ©

Transmuting Internal Misalignments


“Once the trust vow is broken, rather than spending the energy on mending a false relationship, utilize that same source for transmuting internal misalignments that continue to invite these relationships to be part of your experience.”~#MarioCampanaro ©

One Day You Will Realize


“One day you will come to realize that all those things you thought would destroy you are the very ingredients to your greatest contributions.”~#MarioCampanaro ©

Beating The Odds


Dear Human Being,

What in the world makes you think that you are unworthy of beating the odds?

If not you, then who?

The odds are not against you.

It is your belief system in which you are asked to adopt that is holing you captive.

It is time to change that channel.

As long as you have breath, you are very much alive and have been gifted with this moment here and now.

Do all you can, with everything you have to use this life force in overcoming all that stands in the way of fulfilling your soul’s purpose.

Awaken to the reality that all the darkness you have or are experiencing is the stepping stone into your own light.

Everything you have been through, and I know it is a lot, is exactly what you needed to get you to exactly where you want to go!

Your heart’s soul determination is the key ingredient in transmuting anything that has caused any hopelessness into victory.

You got this!

RE-connect to the power of your heart and center which is just waiting for you to call upon its help for guidance.

My God, you have come such a long way!

You have not given up!

You have not listened to voices of impossiblity.

You have not adopted the grim outcomes.

You have fought to be here and stay here to fulfill your mission!

You WILL beat the odds!

You ARE beating the odds!


The Soul’s Determination


“Your heart’s soul determination is the key ingredient in transmuting anything that has caused the illusions of hopelessness into the reality of victory.”~#MarioCampanaro ©

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