
That Defining Moment For You As An Actor & Artist…

Transcript Of Video:

“I think it is those moments…

Where you feel like you just cannot go any further…

Those moments when you feel like you are going to crumble to the ground…

And you are going to fall apart…

That actually become the moments…

That defines you as an actor…

And an artist…

Because it is those moments…

That ask you to ask questions…

Of what you are doing…

And why you are doing it…

And when you really confront those questions…

You get in touch with the love you have for the art form that you have chosen…

It asks of you to pull yourself up by your bootstraps…

No matter the circumstances that are surrounding you…

And find that fire within you…

Find that passion within you…

Find that perseverance within you…

That overcomes any obstacles that are standing in your way…

So that you are able to laser focus your mind…

And your intention…

On fulfilling the pursuit of your dream…

The pursuit of your love in art…

In acting…

In music…

In painting…

Whatever you are pursuing…

And it is those things that open your vocabulary…

As an artist…

So you are able to put that understanding of the human condition…

In whatever kind of work you are doing…

But it is those moments…

That really shows us how strong we are!”

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