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It Is All Worth It


“You will live. You will struggle. You will not give up. You will learn. You will overcome. You will help others suffering. You will love. You will go home. You will finally rest. You will remember it was worth it.” ~#MarioCampanaro ©

You Are More Than Enough


“The only thing that stands in our way is our ego and what we are taught marrying themselves to say that we are not enough.And the truth of the matter is we are more than enough.We have always been more than enough.”~#MarioCampanaro ©

The Soul’s Determination


“Your heart’s soul determination is the key ingredient in transmuting anything that has caused the illusions of hopelessness into the reality of victory.”~#MarioCampanaro ©

Your Light Cannot Be Diminished


“The only reason someone will attempt to diminish your light is because it is too bright for their awakening eyes at this time.”~#MarioCampanaro ©

The Journey To True Strength


Don’t get it twisted.

Strength is not achieved by a mask of being ‘badass’.

Strength is not achieved by how much muscle we can pack onto our body.

Strength is not achieved from all our successes.

Strength is not achieved from our social status or political clout.

Though these may all be somewhat worthy of celebration at times, they are all temporary and can cloud us into thinking they define who and what we are towards the ‘others’.

It is our perseverance in overcoming the ‘impossible’ that allows for true inner strength to be rewarded that is not dependent on any external value.

The journey to the true Self, remembering, respecting, and opening our heart to love at the core level and being able to spread that love and respect to others.

This is the real definition of strength that can never fade.

It cannot compete with any transient token.

All else lives in shadows compared to this mind blowing journey.

Never give up on what is good and true.

And no matter how trying, no matter how hard things may seem or get, never ever give up on your Self.

You will find all the strength you need, even the strength you had no idea you had, just by the journey itSelf.

Art(ists), Awareness, & Self Realization

“Life will always be throwing curve balls at us.

But we have a choice to make in those moments.

Do we allow those circumstances to be the thing that destroys us and causes us to crumble?

Or do we allow those circumstances to awaken us to bring a perseverance in us that we did not know we had?

To open the door to a determination to better who we are and then use that betterment towards helping the collective.

You see, the thing about awareness, it doesn’t allow room for lies.

It opens a transparency to see things the way they really are.

You don’t have to decipher circumstances because you understand, in their most pure form, what they are.

You’re not making stories to protect circumstances, but you are seeing it for what it is.

And you’re able to make choices based on that truth.

You see as artists, what we are not taught, is that we are indeed light workers.

We are able to see things that others are not able to see.

We are able to feel things that others are not willing to feel.

We are able to bring an awareness to people to help shift the consciousness towards a better tomorrow.

We have obligations to hold the light in the darkest of storms.

We have a duty to be strong in times of weakness.

We have to use our voices to be the thing that echoes to break the structure of what’s not working and that’s causing our own destruction.

We’re more than we are told we are and we have to start believing in our truth rather than what we are being told is the truth.

You know, when I was a little boy, I lived in this constant fear.

I was always in fright flight.

I was scared to death everyday without understanding why.

I lived in a space of unworthiness…unloveabilty.

I self doubted myself and always questioned my place in the world and questions people’s motive towards me.

And I will never forget, my mentors, when I was seventeen years old, would always say to me,’You have to start to trust yourself.’.

And I didn’t understand what that meant.

I thought they were just feeding me some doctrine from some self help book and I guess I was just trying to adopt it so I could fulfill their expectations.

But then something transformed in me.

Circumstances got really rough in my life and I started to awaken to who I truly am.

I started to remember where I came from.

I started to get in touch with a power in me that I never knew was there.

I started to realize I have the power to transform even the most heinous circumstances and use those circumstances to somehow better the world.

But first I had to better myself.

I had to be the example.

I still have to be the example.

You see, we are so lost in doctrine that we forget who we truly are.

We are so enrapt up in being told what is wrong with us that we lose the perfection that lives inside us.

We are taught that our imperfections are our flaws.

But what we are really not taught is that our imperfections are the stepping stones to our perfection.

They are the things that bring us into our blossoming.

They are the things that bring us into our transformation.

They are the things that make us wonderful!”




What You Were Born To Do


“You were not designed for self reproach. You were created to contribute to the continuity of universal growth and expansion in your own unique, perfect, and masterful way.”~#MarioCampanaro ©

Keeping Your Internal Fire Burning


“You will never burn brightly if you spend all of your energy smothering your own flames.”~#MarioCampanaro ©

Your Life’s Purpose


“There is absolutely no mistaking when you are connected to your life’s purpose. Your heart will feel blissful and ache at the same time. That is the language of how love claims its presence.”~#MarioCampanaro ©

Fear: A World Of Decrepit Illusions


“Once fear has slipped into your consciousness, you know the ego is trying to spoon feed you lies. It is a petty trick that only has merit in a world of decrepit illusions.”~#MarioCampanaro ©

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