⚪️For more information on Mario Campanaro For The Actor & MC²=Mario Campanaro’s Masterclass, please contact our administrative department at assistant.MC2@gmail.com or visit us at www.MarioCampanaro.com (Click link in profile)
“Aren’t we all always trying to dissect what the Truth really is?…
It seems like there is always something standing in our way as we very seriously hunt for that one pure untainted revelation of what ‘is’…
But if we are always searching for the Truth, aren’t we are most likely missing it?…
I mean come on…
Since when is Truth interested in playing a game of hide and seek ready to jet as soon as we suspect its presence behind some closed door?…
Since when is the Truth a jester desiring to play cunning tricks in order to make us the fool?…
Since when is the Truth the jerk cutting us off or blind sighting us?…
Doesn’t it seem more likely that it is our addiction to the chaotic stories of our mind that keeps creating all theses illusory labyrinths to the Truth?…
Isn’t it our fixation on the way we think things should be or want them to be that is putting the blindfold over our eyes to what ‘is’?…
Here is the deal in my opinion…
The Truth does not need to be found…
The Truth is ever present in the pregnant gap of this moment…
To be poetic but also realistic…
It is vibrating loudly in the silence..
It is whispering silently in the loudness…
It is shining brightly in the darkness…
It is clarifying with shadows in the light…
It is simply there in all its complexity…
It is complexly there in all its simplicity…
It is there omnipresent…
It is there blatantly present…
But it is the blueprint of the unconscious mind married and obsessed with constant interpretation and influence that keeps blurring the lines of what actually ‘is’…
Have we ever contemplated that maybe it is not so damn complicated?…
Maybe there are no big secrets hiding out waiting to be revealed in this moment…
Maybe it is all just a little less mysterious than we are making it out to be…
Maybe it is not hidden under some rock or in some enlightened message from some psychic hotline…
Maybe we have to know that all those secrets, all that thick layered subtextual complex stuff that we are trying to uncover is just pure simplicity residing in the here and now moment…
Whatever that moment may be in relationship to whatever and whoever is part of that experienced moment…
Maybe that is the secret Truth waiting to be revealed…
Maybe the Truth is waiting patiently for us to wake up and stop sleepwalking in a dream based upon past experiences projecting into the now just so we can feel this artificial safety to predict what the future is going to be…
Maybe it is all simpler…
Why can’t we all try to just be a little simpler in our approach?…
Why can’t we just take it moment by moment as it all comes and possibly just find a way to enjoy it, or at the very least, be fully present?…
Ya know…
We live…
We breathe…
We eat and drink…
We eat and drink a lot…
We play…
We laugh…
We laugh a lot…
We trust…
We love…
We love a lot…
We distrust…
We hurt…
We hurt a lot…
We cry…
We cry a lot…
We get sick…
We get very sick…
We hope…
We will struggle…
We will struggle a lot…
We don’t not give up…
We overcome…
We overcome a lot…
We heal…
We trust again…
We learn…
We learn a lot…
We celebrate…
We help others suffering…
We hold on…
We let go…
We finally rest…
We go home…
We remember it was worth it…
We are grateful…
We are grateful for all of it…
Isn’t that the Truth?…
Isn’t the Truth right there in the experience itself?…
In the experience as it happens and unfolds?…
In all of that?…
Here and now…
Patiently waiting for our willingness to surrender to its embrace so it can awaken us from the cloudy confusing slumber of our individual dream state and experience the reason why we are all here…
One of the most complex issues we tend to face as artists is the whole notion of finding a way to get out of our way.
Time and time again, it seems like this topic of conversation comes up when addressing the myriad of obstacles that, without fail, inhibit the desired freedom we desperately crave in our work and our lives.
In my eighteen years of teaching and coaching, I have found that this question always seems to be common ground:
“What do I do so I can break free?!”
The best piece of advice I can ever give is to let go of holding onto what you have thought or still think things are suppose to be or how they are suppose to go.
I know when we face questions such as this, it is most likely being stirred up because a specific moment in time is being experienced as complicated, difficult, stifling, and/or even painful.
It is especially during these times that we want to clench onto what feels familiar by believing it serves as some sort of “life preserver” preventing us from drowning in the unknown.
But sometimes it is our holding onto the familiar that is actually the very thing that is keeping us in the circumstances from which we are trying to break free.
So I propose these question back in response to the original question:
“Did you ever ask yourself what is keeping you from letting go of how or what you think things are suppose to be or look like?
Why is it so difficult to just let go?
What if you just let go?
What if you face and embrace the unknown?
What if beyond that wall of your everyday rigid belief system and structure lives the key to your freedom, to your healing, and to that creative bliss you yearn for as an artist?
And as a human being?
What if the unknown is not the enemy you may be defining it as?
What if it is the “hallelujah” you have been seeking?”
You see, all those “things”…
All those “experiences”…
All those “thoughts”…
All those “relationships”…
That we are very often holding onto with such strict definitions, blueprints and expectations…
That we may think are the rock that is keeping us sound and safe and stable…
May also be the very things that may be holding us down and back from our greatest potential.
It is like an anchor holding a ship in its harbor…
Yes, that anchor serves it’s purpose…
But when the ship is ready to move on to its next destination, that anchor needs to go so the ship can go to where it supposed to be.
Sometimes we have to just let go…
And I know it is difficult…
I know it is scary…
But we have to trust that the unknown has the answer for us…
We have to trust that if we move on…
What is meant to come to us will come…
And trust that it is in our best and highest purpose.
And trust that it is for our good.
And to get there, we have to be willing to do the work.
We have to be willing to face what is not serving us and LET IT GO to make room for what does.
And we have to have the strength, perseverance, willingness, self trust and self love to do this kind of work on our own.
Of course others may be of service but the truth is, it is ALL YOU.
It can ONLY happen from and through you.
So do yourself the favor and break free from any and all “anchors” that are not good to you, for you, and about you.
Then climb over that tall wall no matter how difficult it may be.
Use your blood, sweat, and tears to find your freedom and finally meet your true Self, your realized Self, and your actualized dreams on the other side.
Once you get there, I guarantee you will wonder why you held onto all the other stuff as long as you had.
As I sit down to write this week’s blog, I am struggling with what to explore.
Normally I get inspired to share a specific message, and then the process begins to flow pretty freely.
So what is so different about this week?
Why the block?
And then I realized I am actually not being stifled.
I am being detoured and led to a question that seems to keep coming up with students and private clients alike.
“Why does art hurt so much? Why does this thing that we love so much cause so much pain sometimes?”
Without fail, this question touches me in a profound way because I understand the depths in which it is coming.
It is not just a question to solve as if it were an equation.
It is one of the soul.
It is also one that does not have a finite answer as the individual path, mission, and purpose is different for each and every one of us.
But I do know this…
Art requires awareness which leads to questioning…
Which leads to truthfulacknowledgment…
Which leads to a desire to grow…
Which leads to the need for action…
Which leads to growing pains…
Which leads to transformation…
Which leads to evolution…
Which inevitably leads to the hunger to create and reveal on an individual and global scale.
It goes without saying that this process is like no other.
This journey asks of the artist to look at aspects of the Self and the world in ways that one would not normally do so in everyday life.
As we begin to face deeper truths, we are presented with a choice.
Do we allow these truths and heightened experiences to stifle us into a protective falsified shell?
Or do we allow these experiences to open us and begin an expansive creative transformation.
When we choose the latter, our sensitivity to inner knowingness thus becomes much more acute and prevalent.
Our relationship with our true Self becomes more accessible and deeply visceral.
At times this could be very scary, and yes, even painful, because it begins to dismantle a structure that no longer serves.
A physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual cleanse and recalibration begin to occur.
Inevitably, we awaken to a greater need for change.
A change that serves our best and highest purpose and mission as artists.
Yes, this revolution in our Life may at times feel like a tremendous tidal wave as it begins to break down barriers, shift relationships, and open a space within us that has always been present but not readily accessible.
We begin to thirst and hunger for the truth.
We become much more aware of the energy within and around us.
We become more conscious of how certain energies either nourish or deplete our creative field.
We begin to feel things at a deeper level.
Our lens begins to change, our listening intensifies, and that subtle voice within our heart and soul begins to speak a truth that in most cases we have ignored.
Once this magical door opens, a myriad of feelings that accompany the human condition begin to serve as an artist’s treasure chest.
An awakening of the color wheel of Life is discovered.
This is a gift and opportunity to understand, feel, and utilize the human experience.
It is a new relationship with the Self, the work, and the world.
This discovery of the human condition allows us to finally BE without limitations.
We are and always have been all things and everything if we just allow ourself to tap into our own infinity.
The pain is actually a sign of a new beginning as an artist.
It is a creative rebirth and it hurts because of all the love that is attached.
An inexplicable love for creation.
And as with any birth, the pain that accompanies is a small price to pay for the priceless miracle of any high vibrational creation which serves not only us as artists, but the good for us as a collective.
Transcript For Video: “Why do I think art is important?
Because I think art is willing to say what nobody else is willing to say.
I think art speaks loudly in the face of doctrine to say that just because your saying ‘this is true’ does not necessarily mean it is.
I think art says ‘We are not willing to be brainwashed’.
I think art says ‘Yes, but…’
I think art challenges.
I think art progresses.
I think art looks at reality and sees when something is not working for the best and highest good for us as a human collective, it takes that reality and tries to transform it for the better.
And sometimes that means shaking things up.
I think artists are some of the bravest people we know.
I think they are warriors.
I think they are the ones that emotionally go to war for mankind.
I think they are the ones that emotionally and even spiritually allow themselves to be a vessel or conduit of change; a vessel of light for the collective.
What is the key component to all artistry?
I think compassion.
I think compassion allows us to understand the human condition in a way that does not allow us to judge it.
What is the greatest message I have for people?
I think it is to know yourSelf.
I think it is really about a discovery about learning who you are.
And really trying to take any kind of obstacles that life has given you and transform them to serve somehow.
To serve yourSelf, to better yourSelf.
To better who you are, to better your experience.
But also to help humanity as a collective.
There is so much suffering in this world.
And we get so lost in greed, competition, fame, fortune, and power.
But we forget that there is really one thing that matters.
And that is that we are all connected.
We have become so comfortable in our lovelessness that love has become an endangered species.
But I think in order to really love you have to understand its opposite sometimes.
You have to understand what love is not.
You have to understand darkness from a primal level.
Because I think only until you are able to understand its opposite can you really appreciate what love really is.
And then really pursue a mission in the name of love.
As I am sure many of you have been experiencing, especially those of you that are highly sensitive, there have been a great deal of energy shifts happening in and around all of us.
The velocity of things is intensifying and the universe is going through a powerful transformation while asking…or I should say…demanding…all of us to also accompany her/him/it on this evolutionary journey.
There is not much of a choice…
It is happening and we have the responsibility to be part of that change…that growth…and that expansion.
If it is happening ‘out there’, it is most definitely happening ‘within’ as we are all connected to the greater part of the creative expansive whole.
Of course, it is very easy for us to get alarmed by these experiences especially if we do not understand what they are.
And yes, there has been an alarming amount of crisis in our world.
However, without sounding trite, in the presence of light, humanity, without fail, is infinitely stronger together than the desperately despicable attempts and actions of darkness.
And it is exactly that light that is calling upon all of us to match its frequency now.
In order for us to match that frequency, many are experiencing growing pains to get there.
Just as we have growing pains from all the transitions of childhood to adulthood, so do we have these similar pains as we shed what no longer serves in order to evolve into our higher collective self.
Very often, as these expansive energy shifts happen, they can cause some intense physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual experiences that may feel like crisis because they quite obviously differ from those in our familiar everyday life.
But they are guiding us to change for our best and highest good.
For the universal good.
A change that aids our soul’s individual mission here on this beautiful planet to help one another get back to the ultimate truth.
Some may feel highly emotional.
Maybe you catch yourself crying or laughing out of the blue without even understanding where it is coming from.
Some may have odd feelings of confusion.
Others may be experiencing agitation, irritability, or even outburst of irrational anger.
There may be those of you that have the feeling of just wanting to impulsively change everything including your job, location, relationships, etc.
Maybe you just want to get away.
There are those that may just do the opposite and want to cling onto everything for dear life.
And then there are those that may even get so triggered by these shifts that they act out in self destructive behavior as a coping mechanism to deal with these changes because they feel it is just too much at one time.
This is an important time individually and universally.
The best piece of advice I can give during these times is to let go of holding on.
I know these times can feel so extremely difficult.
It is especially during these times that we do indeed want to clench onto what feels familiar by believing they serve as some sort of life preserver preventing us from drowning in the unknown.
But sometimes it is our holding onto the familiar that is actually the very thing that is keeping us in the circumstances we are trying to free ourself from in order to expand and grow.
What if the unknown is not the enemy we seem to be defining it as?
What if it is the hallelujah we have been seeking?
What if beyond that wall of our everyday rigid belief system and structure lives the key to our personal and collective healing, to our freedom, and even to the bliss of our true purpose.
To get there, we have to be willing to do the work.
We have to go into the trenches.
We have to be willing to face what is not serving us and LET IT GO to make room for what does.
And we have to have the Strength, Courage, Perseverance, Willingness, Self Trust, Self Nurturing, and Self Love to do this kind of work.
Of course others may be of service but the truth is it is ALL YOU in relationship to your role with the universe.
It can only happen from and through you.
Do yourself the favor and break free from any bondage that is not good to you, for you, and about you.
Then climb over that tall wall no matter how difficult it may be.
Use your blood, sweat, and tears to finally meet your true Self on the other side of what is keeping you from your own personal evolution so you can join in the universal evolution.
Once you get there, I guarantee you will wonder why you held onto all the other stuff as long as you had.
A change for the better is coming.
The universe wants you to be happy, healthy, vibrant, successful, and encompassed by love and compassion.
It is just waiting for you to join in the momentum.
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