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Searching For The Truth…


Transcript Of This Recording:

“Aren’t we all always trying to dissect what the Truth really is?…

It seems like there is always something standing in our way as we very seriously hunt for that one pure untainted revelation of what ‘is’…

But if we are always searching for the Truth, aren’t we are most likely missing it?…

I mean come on…

Since when is Truth interested in playing a game of hide and seek ready to jet as soon as we suspect its presence behind some closed door?…

Since when is the Truth a jester desiring to play cunning tricks in order to make us the fool?…

Since when is the Truth the jerk cutting us off or blind sighting us?…

Doesn’t it seem more likely that it is our addiction to the chaotic stories of our mind that keeps creating all theses illusory labyrinths to the Truth?…

Isn’t it our fixation on the way we think things should be or want them to be that is putting the blindfold over our eyes to what ‘is’?…

Here is the deal in my opinion…

The Truth does not need to be found…

The Truth is ever present in the pregnant gap of this moment…

To be poetic but also realistic…

It is vibrating loudly in the silence..

It is whispering silently in the loudness…

It is shining brightly in the darkness…

It is clarifying with shadows in the light…

It is simply there in all its complexity…

It is complexly there in all its simplicity…

It is there omnipresent…

It is there blatantly present…

But it is the blueprint of the unconscious mind married and obsessed with constant interpretation and influence that keeps blurring the lines of what actually ‘is’…

Have we ever contemplated that maybe it is not so damn complicated?…

Maybe there are no big secrets hiding out waiting to be revealed in this moment…

Maybe it is all just a little less mysterious than we are making it out to be…

Maybe it is not hidden under some rock or in some enlightened message from some psychic hotline…

Maybe we have to know that all those secrets, all that thick layered subtextual complex stuff that we are trying to uncover is just pure simplicity residing in the here and now moment…

Whatever that moment may be in relationship to whatever and whoever is part of that experienced moment…

Maybe that is the secret Truth waiting to be revealed…

Maybe the Truth is waiting patiently for us to wake up and stop sleepwalking in a dream based upon past experiences projecting into the now just so we can feel this artificial safety to predict what the future is going to be…

Maybe it is all simpler…

Why can’t we all try to just be a little simpler in our approach?…

Why can’t we just take it moment by moment as it all comes and possibly just find a way to enjoy it, or at the very least, be fully present?…

Ya know…

We live…

We breathe…

We eat and drink…

We eat and drink a lot…

We play…

We laugh…

We laugh a lot…

We trust…

We love…

We love a lot…

We distrust…

We hurt…

We hurt a lot…

We cry…

We cry a lot…

We get sick…

We get very sick…

We hope…

We will struggle…

We will struggle a lot…

We don’t not give up…

We overcome…

We overcome a lot…

We heal…

We trust again…

We learn…

We learn a lot…

We celebrate…

We help others suffering…

We hold on…

We let go…

We finally rest…

We go home…

We remember it was worth it…

We are grateful…

We are grateful for all of it…

Isn’t that the Truth?…

Isn’t the Truth right there in the experience itself?…

In the experience as it happens and unfolds?…

In all of that?…


Here and now…

Patiently waiting for our willingness to surrender to its embrace so it can awaken us from the cloudy confusing slumber of our individual dream state and experience the reason why we are all here…



Art(ists), As Warriors!

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Transcript Of Video:

“ ‘Why do I think art is important?’…

Because I think art says what nobody else is willing to say.

I think art speaks loudly in the face of doctrine to say:

‘Just because you are saying this is true, does not necessarly mean it is…’

I think art says:

‘We are not willing to be brainwashed…’

I think art says:

‘Yes, but…’

I think art challenges…

I think art progresses…

I think art looks at reality and sees when something is not working for the best and highest good for us as a collective…

And then it takes that reality and tries to transform it for the better…

And sometimes that means shaking things up…

Yeah, I think artists are some of the bravest people we know…

I think they are warriors…

I think they are the ones that emotionally go to war for mandkind…

I think they are the ones that emotionally…

And even spirtually…

Allow themselves to be a vessel or conduit of change…

A vessel of light for the collective…

‘What is the key component to all artistry?’…

I think compassion…

I think compassion allows us to understand the human condition in a way that does not allow us to judge it…

‘What is the greatest message I have for people?’…

I think it is to know yourSelf…

I think it is really about a discovery of learning who you are…

And really trying to take any kind of obstacles that Life has given you…

And tranform them to serve somehow…

To serve your Self…

To better your Self…

To better who you are…

To better your experience…

But also to help better humanity as a collective…

There is so much suffering in this world…

And we get so lost in greed…

And competition…

And fame…

And fortune…

And power…

But we forget that there is really one thing that matters…

And that is that we are all connected…

We have become so comfortable in our lovelessness…

That Love has come to become an endangered species…

But I think in order to really Love…

You have to understand its opposite sometimes…

You have to understand what Love is not…

You have to understand darkness…

From a primal level…

Because I think only until you are able to understand its opposite…

Can you really appreciate the truth of what Love is…

And then really pursue a mission to do good in the name of Love…

Otherwise it is all smoke and mirrors…

And I think…

We have plenty of that happening…”​~#MarioCampanaro ©️



The Movie Of Our Mind


Each of us has an inner monologue that manifests as a subtle voice constantly whispering about the present situation in which we are perceiving.

If these circumstances are out of our comfort zone we quite often begin to criticize them.

This perception then begins to inevitably develop a very specific lens of the world in which we live.

We convince ourself that our experience is completely separate from what is going on “out there” and “the others of the world” are to blame.

With that chosen lens, we somehow believe that we release ourself of the responsibility of what we are experiencing when in fact we are the lead players of that very experience.

We go throughout our life, for the most part, unconsciously choosing thought processes based on our historical experiences and then act on them as repetitive as Pavlovian dogs .

We create this movie in our mind’s eye that brainwashes us into thinking our thoughts are the one and only truth.

As this happens, our mind, like a projector, creates that actual story into our reality because our reality can only be experienced by what the brain is willing to formulate.

We get so wrapped up in the story, like when we are sitting at the cinema, that this does indeed become our truth no matter how pleasant or unpleasant that may be.

It’s a cycle of inner dialogue, perception, judgment of whats good or bad based on past experiences, and then the continuous creation of that which pleases or displeases us more and more… over and over again.

However, once we become aware of this inner monologue as the script to the movie in which we are witnessing, we immediately become conscious.

We become the observer and the knower of our being.

Within this consciousness we are able to stand witness to our own thought processes.

We are able to get a “bird’s eye view” of the reality in which we have created.

This can be a very scary truth for a lot of us because it then takes us looking at our life and holding ourself responsible for all that we are willing to experience.

Yes, WILLING, to experience.

The exciting part of this is if we have created a specific movie that we no longer wish to perceive, we have the power to shut that down without judgment, change the film, and begin to witness life differently.

But we must put into practice patience, discipline, self trust, self nurturing, self love, and the willingness to EXPERIENCE a new template through consciousness.

We need to awaken to something new to experience something new.

We can only begin to create a new movie by becoming conscious of that subtle voice and transforming each thought to that which we CHOOSE to experience in the here and now moment.

To choose patterns that truly do serve our best and highest purpose.

The possibilities that this creates for our individual microcosmic experience is astounding.

Just imagine the possibilities that could occur on our planet if we made this adjustment for the best and highest purpose of the macrocosmic experience.

Can you then see that movie?

The Ultimate Flaw Of The Soul

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“Hatred and bigotry is the ultimate flaw of the soul producing diseases of the mind in the form of ignorance, fear, and violence. The cure starts right now with each and everyone of us standing up and transmuting such deplorable poisons.”~#MarioCampanaro ©

The Truth


“The truth is simple. It does not need bells and whistles to reveal itself. It does, however, require awareness to decipher between it and a representation of it.”~#MarioCampanaro ©

Being Spiritually Aligned


“Being spiritually aligned doesn’t mean we need to put up with BS to keep face. It means keeping it real face to face. Oh, yeah, it also doesn’t mean we need to quit drinking coffee.”~#MarioCampanaro ©

Your Light Cannot Be Diminished


“The only reason someone will attempt to diminish your light is because it is too bright for their awakening eyes at this time.”~#MarioCampanaro ©

The Opportunity Of The Moment


“Every moment alive is an opportunity to practice the perfection of the soul through the imperfections of the human form.”~#MarioCampanaro ©

Art(ists), Awareness, & Self Realization

“Life will always be throwing curve balls at us.

But we have a choice to make in those moments.

Do we allow those circumstances to be the thing that destroys us and causes us to crumble?

Or do we allow those circumstances to awaken us to bring a perseverance in us that we did not know we had?

To open the door to a determination to better who we are and then use that betterment towards helping the collective.

You see, the thing about awareness, it doesn’t allow room for lies.

It opens a transparency to see things the way they really are.

You don’t have to decipher circumstances because you understand, in their most pure form, what they are.

You’re not making stories to protect circumstances, but you are seeing it for what it is.

And you’re able to make choices based on that truth.

You see as artists, what we are not taught, is that we are indeed light workers.

We are able to see things that others are not able to see.

We are able to feel things that others are not willing to feel.

We are able to bring an awareness to people to help shift the consciousness towards a better tomorrow.

We have obligations to hold the light in the darkest of storms.

We have a duty to be strong in times of weakness.

We have to use our voices to be the thing that echoes to break the structure of what’s not working and that’s causing our own destruction.

We’re more than we are told we are and we have to start believing in our truth rather than what we are being told is the truth.

You know, when I was a little boy, I lived in this constant fear.

I was always in fright flight.

I was scared to death everyday without understanding why.

I lived in a space of unworthiness…unloveabilty.

I self doubted myself and always questioned my place in the world and questions people’s motive towards me.

And I will never forget, my mentors, when I was seventeen years old, would always say to me,’You have to start to trust yourself.’.

And I didn’t understand what that meant.

I thought they were just feeding me some doctrine from some self help book and I guess I was just trying to adopt it so I could fulfill their expectations.

But then something transformed in me.

Circumstances got really rough in my life and I started to awaken to who I truly am.

I started to remember where I came from.

I started to get in touch with a power in me that I never knew was there.

I started to realize I have the power to transform even the most heinous circumstances and use those circumstances to somehow better the world.

But first I had to better myself.

I had to be the example.

I still have to be the example.

You see, we are so lost in doctrine that we forget who we truly are.

We are so enrapt up in being told what is wrong with us that we lose the perfection that lives inside us.

We are taught that our imperfections are our flaws.

But what we are really not taught is that our imperfections are the stepping stones to our perfection.

They are the things that bring us into our blossoming.

They are the things that bring us into our transformation.

They are the things that make us wonderful!”




The Truth About The Truth


“If you are still seeking the truth you are most likely missing it.” ~#MarioCampanaro ©

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