Transcript Of Video:
“You are a human being…
It is in your nature to make mistakes…
It is in your nature to fail…
It is in your nature to fall down…
And get messy…
And get dirty…
And get sloppy…
But I want you to understand something…
It is your desire to be so perfect in the work that is actually keeping you from doing the work that you are talking about wanting to do…
You need to start honoring your mistakes…
You need to start celebrating your failures…
You need to allow yourself to get messy…
Because you have to allow yourself to be human…
You cannot reach for this ‘ideal’ of what you think a ‘perfect’ actor is…
A perfect actor is one that endows their imperfections…
That understands it is not easy to be human…
A perfect actor is a person that understands that humans go through shit and have to try to overcome them (obstacles)…
And it hurts…
And it is messy…
And they got to get up…
And they got to limp through it…
And it is real…
You cannot be scared of that aspect of who you are…
You have to honor it!”