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Finding Your Tribe!


Sometimes it is through the darkest and most inexplicable of circumstances that we are lead to the light…

Those same circumstances that we may think are breaking our hearts are the same circumstances that are actually breaking our hearts open…

Opening our minds, bodies, and Spirits and awakening us to something greater than we could have ever imagined…

Those same circumstances that begin to help lead the path to a greater purpose which otherwise would have never even been a thought…

And sometimes those same circumstances lead us to a tribe…

A tribe that meets through the most unlikely and even treacherous of circumstances…

A tribe that is generous in knowledge, creativity, heart, compassion, and Spirit…

And because of those circumstances, we RECOGNIZE each other…

We SEE each other…

We UNDERSTAND each other…

We CARE about each other…

We SUPPORT each other…

And, yes, we LOVE each other from one human to another…

And together we learn that once we make it out of the fire, there will be and is beauty within the ashes that result in our our greatest contributions!

A Healing ACT(ivation) For The Artist

Dear Human Being…

Dear Artist…

Healing is not always going to be experienced as what may be labelled as ‘positive’.

It has taken an enormous accumulation of traumatic and emotional toxins to result in a present state of stagnation.

As these stored poisons energetically release from Life, there might possibly be an unpleasant cleanse mirroring the cause.

Be what it may, trust in the light within the healing process.

There awaits not only personal and artistic freedom, but also a delicious sense of peace and wellbeing to be enjoyed within daily Life.

As you read this now, I want you to know that everything you are going through, you can transcend.

You do not need someone to show you the way.

The way is already within your heart.

Listen and feel its message.

You may need to crack it open.

It may even hurt a bit.

But inside your heart center is the recollection to the way.

I promise you it is there waiting to be remembered.

You have not been forgotten.

You have been turned around and upside down to awaken you to how strong you truly are.

This is the path to your forgotten power.

No one ever said it was going to be easy.

There are going to be seasons of strife and struggle.

But it is from those accumulated moments that will come your greatest inspirations.

May you see the light in the dark.

And may you see the truth over all untruths.

May anything that disturbs your peace dissolve.

And may all that has invaded your well-being, be your greatest inspiration to your own self realization.

Much Love, Light, and All Things Good,



The Artist’s Blog

Stay up to date and receive the latest inspirational dialogues, blog entries, interviews, ACT(ivations) and much more dedicated to the artist and creator within ALL OF US.

Overcome obstacles…

Break the structure of what no longer serves…


Dissolve untruths…

Get back to the truth…

Get supported…

Get inspired…

Get creative…

Get empowered…

And get back to the real you…



Do Not Mistaken Your Personal Storm


“Do not mistaken your personal storm as punishment. These circumstances are the wakeup call necessary to you understanding that you are your own healer. You are your own hero.”~#MarioCampanaro ©

Within All That Messy Turmoil


“You will come to realize that everything you thought would destroy you would become the ingredients to your greatest contributions. Within all that messy turmoil, if you dig deep enough, you will find the key to your own creative liberation. And once you have learned your lessons well, you will use all you have learned married with your heart and soul to compassionately help others find their own special key.”~#MarioCampanaro ©