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Finding Your Tribe!


Sometimes it is through the darkest and most inexplicable of circumstances that we are lead to the light…

Those same circumstances that we may think are breaking our hearts are the same circumstances that are actually breaking our hearts open…

Opening our minds, bodies, and Spirits and awakening us to something greater than we could have ever imagined…

Those same circumstances that begin to help lead the path to a greater purpose which otherwise would have never even been a thought…

And sometimes those same circumstances lead us to a tribe…

A tribe that meets through the most unlikely and even treacherous of circumstances…

A tribe that is generous in knowledge, creativity, heart, compassion, and Spirit…

And because of those circumstances, we RECOGNIZE each other…

We SEE each other…

We UNDERSTAND each other…

We CARE about each other…

We SUPPORT each other…

And, yes, we LOVE each other from one human to another…

And together we learn that once we make it out of the fire, there will be and is beauty within the ashes that result in our our greatest contributions!

Overcoming Resistance


“Becoming honestly aware of where we allow resistance to be our ‘safe’ space is the first step in overcoming all that stands in the way of our personal evolution.”~#MarioCampanaro ©

Letting Go Of Our Demise


“It is actually our clutching to the familiar that causes our own demise as it deprives us of the evolution that can only happen by experiencing Life through the lessons stimulated by the unknown.”~#MarioCampanaro©



“People will come in and out of your Life for very specific reasons. As relationships transition, try not to hold onto an illusion of what it was ‘suppose’ to be. Allow the relationship to pass on and celebrate in gratitude the gifts learned while also creating space for a new teacher to emerge that is ready to match and challenge your evolution.” ~#MarioCampanaro ©

The Journey Of A Lifetime


“Even though it will take a lifetime, never give up on what your heart believes is good and true. Along the way, there will be many twists and turns challenging your belief system all the while adjusting it. Trust that all has been set in place so that your soul can discover and experience the greatest possible evolution contracted for its journey.”~#MarioCampanaro ©