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The Actor’s Job In The Audition…

Transcript Of Video:

“I totally hear what you are saying…

But I encourage you to start shifting the dynamic in which you are going into the room…

Because it sounds like right now you are going into the room with this bulldozer approach of trying to snatch up that role…

And the problem with that is that is where your attention lies…

In the ‘getting’ of that role.

But that is not your job in that moment…

That is casting’s job…

To figure out who is going to play what…

It is your job to go into that room and reveal the life of that role…

To fulfill the demands of the character that the sides are asking you to fulfill…

And to go in there and do that in an unpredictable, exciting, authentic, honest, truthful way…

To leave yourself on the walls that shows this what you do as the actor…

This is what you do as an artist…

And trust that that is more than enough to fulfill the demands of that audition…

And leave with your head held high!”