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Don’t You Dare Trash Your Dreams! Ten RE-minders To Keep Them Alive!


Let’s face it.

The life of an actor, or any artist for that matter, is no cakewalk.

There are seasons of tremendous accomplishment and then there are seasons of utter drought and despair.

The ups and downs of our beloved art-form/industry are unfortunately realities that come with the territory.

The average person walks on a somewhat level playing field  having a general idea of where the next step is going to bring him or her while the artist daringly chooses to ride some pretty bumpy waves with the heartfelt hope to get him or her to the beautifully unpredictable destination of his or her dreams.

As riding any wave or wild horse, it is very easy to be thrown off course with chaos/instability and then want to just give it all up for the pool in the backyard or the easy ride on the merry go round.

But after everything you have been through…after all that hard work and perseverance…after all that hope and faith…after all that sacrifice and investment…is it worth trashing everything for something that may be perceived as easier?

Let me tell you this…anything that that does not align with your soul’s purpose and your heart’s greatest desire will never be easier.

There will  always be a price to pay when it comes to giving up something of love.

And you can take that to the bank!

So if times are tough and you are seriously contemplating throwing in the towel, take a minute, catch your breath, and give yourself the opportunity to RE-mind yourself of these ten important facts:

1. The love of the art form.

The love you have for this art form, no matter how trying the circumstances may be, is a tremendous gift.

If you have forgotten how much you love it, RE-mind yourself why your heart hungered for this way of creating in the first place.

Re-member that it is that subtle soul center within you that yearns to reveal your true essence to the world through this chosen creative process.

2. Your support system believes in you.

Very often the journey of an artist can feel isolating and lonely.

Sometimes it is easy to get caught up in temporary disappointments and forget that you are deeply and unconditionally loved by whatever support system you have chosen in your life.

Those loved ones want you to fulfill your dreams and desires just as much as you do.

They may not know nor understand the ups and downs of this industry and the ins and outs of how the process works, but the yearning for your success is there just the same.

3. Look how far you have come.

The fact that you continue to stretch your limits and openly reveal yourself is a testament to your inner strength, creativity, and light as a true artist.

Do not take for granted the fearlessness that this art form demands.

It is not for the faint of heart. The artist continues to persevere where many may have crumbled.

4. It is your heart’s intention.

Your very desire to live your highest purpose as a artist has been the seed that has already been planted in the rich soil of the universe.

Now is the time to nurture that intention and witness yourself achieve that which you wholeheartedly crave to experience.

5. Tomorrow.

The song “What A Difference A Day Makes” contains the ultimate truth.

Life is always in flux.

Anything and everything changes moment to moment.

Knowing this, why would it not flow in your favor?

It is beautifully surprising by what a change in perspective can do for your reality.

Each day is a chance for alchemy.

You must continue to feed that which you desire and hold it in your consciousness as much as possible.

It is as simple as doing something each day that feeds you as an artist.

Even if it is the tiniest little thing, do it!

The greatest painting in the world started with a single stroke of the brush.

6. Hope, hunger, and drive.

The hope, hunger, and drive you have within your heart can move mountains.

Do not underestimate this energy.

Never take for granted how powerful it is at sustaining your artistic journey in order to achieve your lifetime’s purpose.

These qualities are the recipe for dream realization.

7. The “im-possible” is possible.

The notion that dreams can be realized only by “other” people has no value or truth to it.

This is a structured conditioning that needs to be broken and RE-minded in your repertoire of thoughts.

You are the creator of your experience.

Though your journey is not about proving others wrong, it is however, about affirming to yourself that you truly are a powerful being and can achieve any dream you desire to fulfill.

No one should be imprisoned by thoughts of impossibilty.

8. You are necessary.

You are here to share, expand, and grow.

You literally affect everything in this universe.

Your life as an artist is so important to the transformation of our world’s consciousness.

You and your art are the conduit of change.

It may seem minuscule to you, but one life can change an entire planet.

Look at the impact from amazing souls like Martin Luther King, Albert Einstein, Mother Theresa, Steve Jobs, Stephen Harking, Gandhi, Sarah Bernhardt, James Dean, Marilyn Monroe, Marlon Brando, Martin Scorsese, Anna Magnani, Robin Williams, Meryl Streep, Mozart, Maria Callas, Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali,….and on and on.

Each and every one of these people were “normal” people that never gave up on their dreams and first handily made an extraordinarily powerful impact that contributed greatly to transformation of our world.

9. You are an inspiration.

You have no idea how the accumulation of your life experiences revealed through your work can touch so many lives.

You have the capability to enliven all of the previous reasons to fulfill your dreams in another person.

Your life and its story may be the very thing that inspires someone else to go after their own dreams.

You are the RE- minder that the impossible is possible, that their presence is necessary and important, and that they are a small yet big and powerful part of something so inexplicably infinite.

10. There is only one you.

Everyday if you are able to RE-mind yourself that there is only one you and the mold has been broken, you would not be so keen on struggling to be something you are not.

In fact, if you really endow this truth, you would begin to see that all those things that you may have labeled as imperfections are the very thing that make you perfect.

Your star quality is your willingness to reveal the human condition courageously, fully, and freely using your accumulation of life experiences.

It is so beautifully messy.

It is all your imperfections that make you so perfectly human.

You are the instrument to story.

You are the conduit to giving the story Life.

This is the beauty of being an actor.

This is the impact of being an artist.

Bring all of this to your Life and work.

Bring YOU to your work.

The world deserves and loves seeing YOU!

Creative Healing: Breaking The Structure Of What Imprisons Us


It is said that doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome is the definition of insanity.

When we really take a moment to contemplate the depths of this, it is absolutely true.

Who wants to live the same thing over and over?

Staying in that kind of set structure without the desire to expand and grow creates utter stagnation and deprives us all of the gifts of evolution that Life has in store for each of us.

As artists…

As co-creators…

As human beings..

It is in our genetic makeup to crave growth and expansion and then contribute all we can to the world through our chosen mediums in order to continue that expansion process for the greater good.

However, when something new challenges our set belief system and daily routine, defense mechanisms kick in.

Fear seizes us and causes us to lock down on the familiar convincing us that some imaginary net is keeping us safe from the unpredictable tightrope of Life.

But that is false.

It is actually staying in the familiar that is causing our own demise because it deprives us of the growth that can only happen by experiencing the newness Life has to offer.

We MUST be open to change.

We MUST be willing to break the structure in order to experience a higher level of consciousness.

However, growth and expansion cannot happen unless there is a willingness to sit with the discomfort that often accompanies change.

Whether we are aware of it or not…

Whether we like it or not…

There is no escape from this simply because by the laws of nature itself, each and every moment requires a physical, mental, emotional, and yes, even spiritual shift within us.

As we consciously begin to accept this, we can begin the process of truly activating it in our everyday Life.

Along the way, there will be many twists and turns challenging our belief system all the while adjusting it.

Trust that all has been set in place so that our soul can discover and experience the greatest possible evolution contracted for its journey.

As we go deeper into dismantling stagnation, it can feel somewhat overwhelming due to the restructuring of Life from a colloquial essence to that of an acute awareness.

This is the beginning of change in and of itself.

This is the healing and metamorphosis process.

And this process may not always be experienced as what may be labelled as ‘positive’.

It may have taken an enormous accumulation of traumatic and emotional toxins to result in a present state of stagnation.

As these stored poisons energetically release from Life, there might possibly be an unpleasant cleanse mirroring the cause.

We must not be surprised if there are even moments during which we feel ‘locked’ in our head, ‘paralyzed’ in our body, or even uncomfortable and unpredictable emotional/physical pains emerging.

Very often this is the ego trying to desperately avoid change and hold onto its ‘safe identity’ while a cleansing/recalibration process takes place.

Be what it may, trust in the light within the process.

Do not resist it.

The only thing that is holding us back from the gifts of the unknown is our fear of the unknown.

Resistance is fear’s energetic way of brainwashing …and we have come way too far to be at the mercy of it.

When we are able to dissolve all useless fear and its resistance through our conscious awareness of it, and seek refuge within, all the blocks that we feel imprison us begin to dissolve and we can experience the change we seek.

And we grow…

And we expand…

And we share…

And we expand…

And we grow…

There awaits not only personal and creative freedom, but also a delicious sense of peace and wellbeing to be enjoyed within daily Life…to continue to share…to grow…and to expand.


The Three Must Haves


“If it is not good to you, for you, and about you…it is time to move on in order to open the door to that which is good to you, for you, and about you.” ~#MarioCampanaro ©

An Actor’s Medicine


Let’s get personal…

As actors, it is not uncommon to have an extremely sensitive and even empathic instrument.

We willingly live our lives experiencing the deepest level of the human experience.

We expose our deepest self to the world not only because of choice but also a divine calling.

We are messengers of what is hidden.

We are speakers of what is unsaid.

We are un-doers of what is doctrinated.

And we are hopefully the shifters of the human consciousness towards that which is good and true.

However, there are moments in our work when this can feel burdensome.

It can go so far as to manifest to the point that we suffocate in our own despair.

We keep giving and forget the need to nurture ourself.

So we try to reach out to mentors and loved ones hoping that they will say that one thing to help remedy our experience.

Though the intention to help is there, often we don’t get that shift in our feeling life that we crave.

So as highly sensitive individuals, what do we do?

We have to be our own medicine!

This is OUR own journey and the accumulation of our own life experiences which have brought us here and now.

Just as we do not viscerally understand what’s going on in someone else’s life, it is just as impossible for anyone out there to understand what’s going on in our own.

So as artists, what are we to do when we feel lost and broken?

We stop right where we are!

This is a sign that there is too much going on in and around us.

This is a sign that we need to unplug and recalibrate from a world that has become unnaturally fast, toxic, and chaotic with inhuman expectations.

These feelings are a divine gift that notify us that something is off and its time to go within and reconnect to our center.

It is a crucial moment to make the changes we need for our body, mind, emotions, and spirit to heal so we are able to continue our very special path.

We have forgotten that we are not superhuman.

We are not robots.

We are human beings that require a time and space to get in touch with our silence and peace in order to transmute our defiict into something of a higher vibration so we can continue our work.

We forget that this IS part of our work.

This IS part of our process.

This IS part of our growth.

This IS part of our essentials.

THIS is our powerful non-toxic holistically hopefully habit-forming medicine!

What We May Be Hiding May Just Be What Makes Us A Star!


After coaching on set a few days ago I was RE-minded, yet again, that true star quality comes from the actor’s ability to reveal truth, mask-free, without apologies.

To show the world our individual light without trying to fit into a blueprint of what is “expected”.

Casting directors, directors, and producers are exhausted of seeing the same old performance and quite frankly become disheartened by the dime a dozen approach to the work.

Despite what many may think, the industry is not looking for a carbon copy of the next big star.

It is hungry for someone different that pushes boundaries, captivates the masses, and radiates individuality.

They are looking for that brave soul who shows up fully as they are and thus is able bring themselves to any given project.

It is crucial for us to arrive in our work with all our chaos, messiness, imperfections, and grit without limiting ourself to ideas of what we think is right or correct.

Hiding all of these amazing colors of ourself is in vain as every role we will ever play will be rooted in our given character doing what they can to improve their own life circumstances.

If this is what is required of the role, then it goes without saying, it is demanded of us.

We are the vehicle to bring that written character to life through the accumulation of our own life experiences because we and our imagination are all we have. Our truth is crucial to this business and our brand.

When we truly commit to this way of working, we will begin to experience more freedom, excitement, stimulation, and opportunity.

That’s true stardom!