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Fuel Your Courage: You Have Been In Training For The Unknown Of The Moment Every Single Moment…

By our very nature as human beings, we are constantly facing the unknown of the next moment.

There is no way of getting around it.

It is an absolute fact of life.

As much as we would like to think that we have some inkling of control…

The truth of the matter is…

We do not.

That is a pretty scary notion…

Or I should say reality…

When you take a moment to consider it.

We have no idea what we are walking into as our next life moment approaches.

We have no idea what the next moment will bring us.

We are presently living the very best way we know how and can in this here and now moment.

And we are doing so by what we have learned from our past experiences…

Married with a pretty incredible natural ability to adjust, adapt, and move forward…

Step by step…

Moment by moment…


And in some, many and/or most cases…


Based on what life throws out at us at any given moment.

Think about how courageous and brave that really is…

Think about how miraculous that is…

How miraculous you/we are…

Based on everything we humans had…

And still have to face moment to moment.

For 100% of our lives…

We have been living in a present moment…

(which was once a complete unknown moment)

And then enter into a complete unknown next moment…

Carrying with us only the knowledge and preparation that past experiences…

(of confronting and living through what was at that time an unknown moment)

Have taught us.

As actors we are always responsible and accountable for doing our preparations to bring any given role the full life that he or she deserves.

We do that part of the work using our craft to help us along the way…

But despite all the preparation in the world…

The true magic…

The true living…

Can only exist within the unknown of the moment.

It can never be planned…

It can never be blueprinted…

It can only be discovered, experienced, and dealt with as it happens in the unknown of the moment.

And it is the actor’s courage…

All of his or her bravery…

The full willingness to really live moment to moment…

That that magic happens

That the real work is

That the life truly exists

It can only really be within the rawness of the unknown.

And your entire life has been training you…

Your entire life has been preparing you…

To work in such an ordinary…

(because we all have no choice but to live this way)

Yet extremely extraordinary…

(when you really think about it)

Very human way!

That bravery…

That courage…

That willingness to live your most authentic, honest, truth…

In relationship to the given circumstances of any world of text…

Within the complete unknown of each and every moment…

Is what makes the actor…

An actor.

I hope you enjoy this stay at home virtual Masterclass Lecture. 

 Stay safe and stay healthy!

Much Love,



For more information on MC² Actors Studio, MC²=Mario Campanaro’s Masterclass & Mario Campanaro For The Actor, please contact our administrative department at assistant.MC2@gmail.com or visit us at www.mariocampanaro.com

Student To The Unknown


“Your trying to ‘figure it all out’ is the very thing that is getting in the way. Let’s keep it real…
It is ok to not know. Be a student to the unknown. It is more freakin’ fun!”~#MarioCampanaro ©