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Why Acting Is Not For The Faint Of Heart…

Transcript Of Video:


I don’t think acting is about pretending…

I think acting is about just the opposite of that…

I think acting asks of us…

To look at the human condition…

In a way that does not allow for a pretty little filter…

To be put upon what life really holds.

Life really holds a series of struggles…

A series of trials and tribulations…

And for many people…

A lot of suffering.

And I think as an actor we have to really look at that with a magnifying glass…

And then find that within us…

In order to reveal it.

And that’s not for the faint of heart…

That takes a lot of will…

That takes a lot of strength…

That takes a lot of courage…

And that takes a lot of self-introspection…

In order to find that within oneself…

And then have the strength…

And the bravery…

To actually reveal that…

Without filter…

In all its messiness…

In all its grit and glory…

And the beauty of that…

Is that when you have this type of art form…

It gives the possibility…

That someone witnessing that art form…


Or can be…


That transformation can happen for another…


And collectively.

To be able to have someone witness your experience…

Can actually validate your experience…

In that it allows you to know that…

You’re not alone going on this journey we call ‘Life’…

And the beauty of acting…

Is that’s what we’re doing all the time…

We’re telling stories of human beings…

Going through struggles…

Going through strife…

And then saying…

‘Hey Listen…

This is what WE go through…

And you’re not alone!’

And then the hope of that is…

Somehow by witnessing that from an audience approach/perspective…

Some kind of healing will happen…

Or at least an awakening…

So acting…

Not only becomes this amazing beautiful art form…

But it also becomes this amazing beautiful service…

To humanity…

And mankind as a whole.”