“Do not mistaken your personal storm as punishment. These circumstances are the wakeup call necessary to you understanding that you are your own healer. You are your own hero.”~#MarioCampanaro ©
“He appeared…
‘But why have you forgotten the power of your heart? Can you not feel it begging to be remembered? It already houses the answers to all that you are trying to ‘figure out’. It is not through your ambition of overcoming the obstacle, dear one…it is through your heart that it is all transmuted.’
…and then He vanished.”~#MarioCampanaro ©
“No matter how much it can hurt at times, YOU have to keep your heart open
In order to live compassionately, forgive, inspire, encourage, support, and love without the expectation of receiving an open heart, compassion, forgiveness, inspiration, support, or love in return. YOU have to be the light when others cannot find it.”~#MarioCampanaro ©
“Do not mistaken your personal storm as punishment. These circumstances are the wakeup call necessary to you understanding that you are your own healer. You are your own hero.”~#MarioCampanaro ©