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Knowing The Artist That You Are!

Dear Actor, 

Dear Artist,

Dear Creative,

There is so much going on in our world at the moment…

And it can be…

And is

Very overwhelming…

It can even be described as disorienting…

And disheartening…

But it is so important for us…

During these trying times…

To remember who we are

As artists…

We have always been confronted with difficult times…

Yet, somehow…


We always seem to make it through…

We have that super stamina…

We have that creative courage…

We have that ferocious fight…

We have that dedicated drive…

We have that incredible investment…

We have that powerful passion…

And we have that absolute ability…

To hold on…

To adjust…

And persevere…

And most of all…

And most importantly…

We have our dreams!

So I encourage you…

To remember…

Or Re-Mind yourself of this:

No one…


And no external circumstance…

Should ever be given the power…

To break down your artistic love…

And passion…

For what you were meant to do…

Always allow the artist that you are…

To live in…

And flow through you…

There is not a person powerful enough…

Nor is there an organization strong enough…

Or a circumstance big enough…

To make its way…

Into your unbreakable spirit…

And dismantle who you are.

You are an artist….

Plain and simple….

You are an actor….

Plain and simple…

You are a creative…

Plain and simple…

Despite what you may be doing at this very moment…

Despite if you are

Or are not

Or are not able

To do what you love at this very moment…

It is still who you are

It is still in you…

It is not going away…

It will not be lost…

It is in your dna…

It is in your heart…

It is in your spirit…

It is in your soul…

It is in your calling…

The most worthwhile success an artist can ever experience…

Will come from the trustworthy ally within

Which always knows

Who you are…

What you are…

What you do

What you want to do…

What you were meant to do…

And what you WILL do…

Never ever let anyone…

Or anything…

Steal/Rob/Take that away! 

So keep day dreaming…

Keep painting…

Keep drawing…

Keep playing…

Keep making music…

Keep singing…

Keep dancing… 

Keep acting…

 Keep creating! 

Keep living as the artist that you are

No matter what life throws at you (us)…

Always always find it in you…

To keep getting up!!! 

You will be doing what you love soon enough! 

The world is so thankful for artists like you

Who have given…

And contributed so much to humanity!

On behalf of all of us at MC² Actors Studio…

We wish you and your loved ones…

A very Happy Thanksgiving!

We are thankful for you!

Much Love,

Mario Campanaro
Founder & Master Teacher
MC² Actors Studio  
Los Angeles | New York City | London

Your Worth As An Artist…

Transcript Of Video:

“It is never going to be enough…

As long as you continue to allow the external world to be the determining factor of what validates you as an artist…

You are always going to feel that sense of lack…

You are always going to have the hole in your heart that is desperately searching for something out there to give you a sense of Self that says…

‘Yes! You should be doing what you are doing!’

Now I am not saying that applause…

And success…

And jobs…

And awards…

Are not worthy of being celebrated…

Because they are…

They are lovely…

But they are fleeting…

You have to know in your heart your worth…

You have to know that what you are doing…

What your are saying…

What you are revealing…

Is worthy of being witnessed…

You have to know that your talents alone are validation enough for you to be pursuing the journey that you are pursuing…

But that has got to come from the Self.”