On March 13th 2021, our studio had to make the difficult yet inevitable decision to close our physical studio theater doors due to the Covid 19 pandemic and open our virtual studio theater doors. However, we did not give up! We persevered! #ActorWarriors We did not skip a beat nor did we miss a single week! And though we struggled with the unknown, something incredible happened. As is so often the case in the life of the artist, we adjusted, adapted and made the creative conscious decision to do all we can to continue our work in this foreign land of Zoom while still upholding all of our professional standards of truth, authenticity, exploration, sophistication and artistic integrity.#BirdsOfAFeather
For over a year and a half now, our ensemble members, internationally, persevered during a time when it would have been so easy to find reason not to continue to do the thing that they love. To find justification “to wait” or to hold off “until tomorrow” or when “it’s back in the space”. However, that was not the case at all. Our Los Angeles, New York City and London ensemble members continued to #GetUp rather than give up. Over the past year and a half, they all journeyed into a series of extremely beautiful, sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes hilarious but always very complex texts #GladiatorsForTheWork.
This has been a very unique way of working for all of us and one that has gained much attention, respect and enthusiasm from actors, industry professionals and media internationally. As we all know, the camera never lies, and with close ups in mind (or even self tapes), it demands that the actor fully endow the utmost truth and authenticity within all of the givens of the text and the unknown of each and every moment. It challenges us all to go deeper and deeper in order to honestly reveal the life of the givens through our one-of-a-kind instrument.
We also implemented the use of green screens for all scene work so that our ensemble members continued to endow and explore environment in a new and exciting way while also developing this necessary skill clearly happening in our modern digital/CGI film and television mediums.
What could have remained such a bleak and dark time, has presented itself to be one of the most fulfilling, expansive, heartwarming and transformational journeys #GetPaidInGrowth. To continue on with such like-minded, committed, invested lovers of theater has not only brought our long term ensemble members that much closer, but it has attracted and brought new ensemble members with equal burning passion for the glorious craft of acting. #ActorTribe.
Our studio cannot express how inexplicably moved and proud we all are by everything our ensembles have accomplished during this time in history. They all continue to #MoveMountains.
Our London and New York City ensemble members will continue to do their incredible work on our online platform until we are assured it is safe to move into a physical theater space. In the meantime, we are working very diligently to solidify things so that when that moment finally arrives, it can be a safe, conscious, seamless and easy transition for all.
We will be auditioning prospective London and New York City on-going ensemble members and for our waitlist via Zoom July 6th-14th 2021 for our August 2021 ensembles and onward.
With that said, we are so excited to finally be able to announce that, starting on August 5th 2021, all of our Los Angeles classes have been given the OK to be held in our normal theater space, The Shepard Theatre at The Complex Hollywood.
We will be auditioning prospective Los Angeles on-going ensemble members and for our waitlist via Zoom July 6th-14th 2021 for our August 2021 ensembles and onward .
Lastly, we are also beyond excited to announce that we are in pre-production for our first ever Repertory Theatre production of MC² Actors Studio’s The Skelton Scenes. We will be posting more information on auditions for this project in the very near future.
We wish you all the very best and look forward to seeing and working with all of you incredible artists soon!
Until then, stay safe and keep on taking all the necessary steps to make all your dreams realized.
Much Love,
MC² Actors Studio