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Breaking Down Resistance & Complicated Relationships…

Partial Transcript Of This Masterclass Lecture:

“It’s so easy for us to go through our lives without awareness…

It’s so easy for us to go through our lives rolling our eyes…

It’s so easy for us to go through our lives judging people…

And it’s so easy for us to go through our lives allowing resistance to be our ‘safe space’…

Resistance creates such and ‘idea of safety’ for us…

Because it doesn’t ask of us to confront the things that are standing in the way of our growth…

And because it’s easy…

It’s easy to be…

And therefore, stay resistant…

It’s easy to not want to…

Or have to…

Deal with the things that are keeping us in a place of stagnation…

And so one of the most important things that we have to do as actors and artists…

Is to start opening up and developing our awareness…

To ask difficult and complex questions about the human condition…

That require our awareness…

And when it comes to our work…

Especially when it comes to our work…

Our awareness is responsible for us understanding why our character does what he or she does…

And our awareness is the thing that allows us to find the humanity within the text…

So that it is not just this thing written on a piece of paper…

But it something that has this inanimate breath…

Asking us to find and breathe the life into it…

And yet it’s so easy for us to think that our work is just about those black and white letters that are on a white piece of paper…

And that we just learn our lines…

And then…

By doing that…

It creates useful, productive, honest, truthful characterization…


As any respectful artist with integrity…

And that holds a very high standard for the work knows…

That is not the case whatsoever…

Our awareness and exploration of understanding why we do what we do…

And why we feel the way we feel…

And what we ultimately want…

And why we want it…

Is the thing that’s going to get us to tap into the life of the character…

And why the character does what he or she does…

And one of the things that we have to realize…

And this does not only apply to character on the written page…

But possibly to some…

Or even all of us…

If you think about it on some level…

Do things in our lives…

A lot of times…

Or some of the time…

Because of unresolved issues…

And a lot of times…

We go through life…

Consciously or unconsciously…

Creating relationships…

In order to find resolution for those things that we have not yet resolved in our lives…


We create relationships in order to cause ‘pay back’ for the strife that past relationships have caused…

Even though those newly formed relationships are not accountable…

Or responsible…

For the wounds that we maybe still hold onto…

And so when we begin to understand this about some very complex relationships in the ‘real world’…

We are able to start to see…


And justify why certain relationships exist the way they do within the world of the texts that we are responsible for bringing to life…

And why certain characters do what they do within those relationships…

Or because of those relationships…

And all the historical circumstances that bring that character to the here and now moment within those relationships…

In order to find some sort of resolution within…”

Click Here To Watch This Full Masterclass Leture!

I hope you enjoy this masterclass lecture!


⚪️For more information on MC² Actors Studio, MC²=Mario Campanaro’s Masterclass & Mario Campanaro For The Actor, please contact our administrative department at or visit us at



“People will come in and out of your Life for very specific reasons. As relationships transition, try not to hold onto an illusion of what it was ‘suppose’ to be. Allow the relationship to pass on and celebrate in gratitude the gifts learned while also creating space for a new teacher to emerge that is ready to match and challenge your evolution.” ~#MarioCampanaro ©