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In this Masterclass interview, we discuss the importance of self-observation and how it pertains to the work of the actor. By allowing ourself to be the subject of study and examination, we get the incredible first-hand opportunity to see that everything we do physically, psychologically, and emotionally has something behind it. We always have a destination. There is always a motivation. There is always an intention. There is always something wanting to be achieved. There is always a why. There is always how. There is always something to overcome. And there is always a response to something as it pertains to wants or needs and relationship to people/places/things. As I always say in all my classes, whatever you know in life based on where you are and the circumstances you find yourself in, the character will also know based on where he or she is and the circumstances he or she finds him or herself in. So what a great opportunity to be able to break down that aspect of the craft and explore it moment to moment in your own personal life so it becomes second nature in the break-down of the work itself. You will always know:  Where you are coming from, how you got there, and why you were there. You will always know where you are right now, what you want now that you are there, and what you are going to do in an attempt to get what you want. And you will always know where you are going (even if you are lost, you still have the knowledge of where you want to end up), why you are going there, and what you want once you get there. And last but not least, it goes without saying that this exploration really tunes us into our own Self. It brings to light all those aspects of life that we struggle. Triggers will show up. Responses to relationships and situations will begin to have “reason” (whatever they may be has a cause) for what they are and why.  And you will also begin to see that many of the obstacles you face in your work actually mirror the same obstacles you discover and face in your everyday life. Why wouldn’t they? We are revealing life and who we are is the very instrument to do just that. The more we practice self-observation, the more we allow ourself to face aspects of who we are and what may be stifling us, blocking us and even closing us off and why. Where there is awareness, there is a limitless opportunity for growth and expansion. It brings us into a more intimate relationship with who we are and therefore allows us to be more intimately connected and present in our work.
I hope you enjoy this lecture.
With love,


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Craft Is An Exact Mirror Of Life…Look For It!…


▫️ TAG ▫️SHARE ▫️COMMENT ⚪️For more information on Mario Campanaro For The Actor & MC²=Mario Campanaro’s Masterclass, please contact our administrative department at assistant.MC2@gmail.com or visit us at www.MarioCampanaro.com