Transcript Of Video:
“ ‘Why do I think art is important?’…
Because I think art says what nobody else is willing to say.
I think art speaks loudly in the face of doctrine to say:
‘Just because you are saying this is true, does not necessarly mean it is…’
I think art says:
‘We are not willing to be brainwashed…’
I think art says:
‘Yes, but…’
I think art challenges…
I think art progresses…
I think art looks at reality and sees when something is not working for the best and highest good for us as a collective…
And then it takes that reality and tries to transform it for the better…
And sometimes that means shaking things up…
Yeah, I think artists are some of the bravest people we know…
I think they are warriors…
I think they are the ones that emotionally go to war for mandkind…
I think they are the ones that emotionally…
And even spirtually…
Allow themselves to be a vessel or conduit of change…
A vessel of light for the collective…
‘What is the key component to all artistry?’…
I think compassion…
I think compassion allows us to understand the human condition in a way that does not allow us to judge it…
‘What is the greatest message I have for people?’…
I think it is to know yourSelf…
I think it is really about a discovery of learning who you are…
And really trying to take any kind of obstacles that Life has given you…
And tranform them to serve somehow…
To serve your Self…
To better your Self…
To better who you are…
To better your experience…
But also to help better humanity as a collective…
There is so much suffering in this world…
And we get so lost in greed…
And competition…
And fame…
And fortune…
And power…
But we forget that there is really one thing that matters…
And that is that we are all connected…
We have become so comfortable in our lovelessness…
That Love has come to become an endangered species…
But I think in order to really Love…
You have to understand its opposite sometimes…
You have to understand what Love is not…
You have to understand darkness…
From a primal level…
Because I think only until you are able to understand its opposite…
Can you really appreciate the truth of what Love is…
And then really pursue a mission to do good in the name of Love…
Otherwise it is all smoke and mirrors…
And I think…
We have plenty of that happening…”~#MarioCampanaro ©️