2019 Allow Your Inner Phoenix To Rise!

2019 Allow Your Inner Phoenix To Rise!


It goes without saying that 2018 was quite a complex year full of many peaks and valleys…

We have all witnessed some incredible victories/evolutions/expansions/awakenings/healings/transformations around our great big globe…

Some of them due to nature’s divine intervention…

Some due to happenstance…

And some of them due to the ever present light and goodness that still lives within humanity…

We have also witnessed many inexplicable tragedies/losses/sufferings/despair/confusion/anger/rage/destruction around our great big globe…

Some of them due to natural disasters…

Some of them due to happenstance…

And some of them due to the still ever present darkness and evils that still lives within humanity…

And within the immense rollercoaster of all those ups and downs, one thing remains certain…

We made it through to another year on this great big globe…

And depending on the lens we choose to see life through…

It could be a blessings or it could be a struggle…

We always say this coming year is going to be the year…

And it is

Because it is all we have and we are still here, kicking and breathing…


This new year, like every new year, is our individual chance to take what we have learned through all the ups and down and build upon it for the better…

To not make obligated resolutions…

But to make personal choices that allow each and every one of us to be better than we were yesterday…

Not just for ourself…

But for all…

To take a look at what we don’t want in life so we can damn well choose what we do…

To face what no longer serves & cast it out in order to make room for what does…

To allow ourselves to make the decision to no longer settle for impossibility…

To find all that internal strength & power that we each posses and use it to lift each other to our highest potential…

To rise to the occasion to what it means to be evolved living in an evolved world…

To take everything that we have been given yesterday…

The good & the bad…

The dark & the light…

And use it all as the creative flame to rise like the Phoenix to our most beautiful Selves today!

The power to our own transformation lives in the palm of our own hands…

And with that…

I wish you all the HAPPIEST NEW YEAR this first day of 2019!

Much Love!


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