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Your Soul’s Purpose


“Persevere courageously through your darkest trials for in them awakens your soul’s purpose.”~#MarioCampanaro ©

Jumpstart The Pursuit Of Truth


“Short circuit the need to be right and jumpstart the pursuit to the truth. Only then can there be an honest opening of change towards the improvement of presentcircumstances.”~#MarioCampanaro ©

Be The Herder


“It is not for the artist, the awoken soul, and the spiritually-connected to join the herd. He or she must be the herder. To be the lighthouse in the storm. To be the conductor orchestrating a movement of goodness and truth.”~#MarioCampanaro ©

Your Tribe


“You will know your tribe when you can live your most authentic self in their presence.”~#MarioCampanaro©

You As Your Own Guide


“Once you realize that you are your best guide you will begin trust your own intuition rather than depend on others’ experiences.” ~#MarioCampanaro ©

The Three Must Haves


“If it is not good to you, for you, and about you…it is time to move on in order to open the door to that which is good to you, for you, and about you.” ~#MarioCampanaro ©

Creative Blessing


“May you see the light in the dark. And may you see the truth over all untruths. May anything that disturbs your peace dissolve. And may all that has invaded your well-being, be your greatest inspiration to your own self realization.”~#MarioCampanaro ©

The Role As Artist


“The moment you take on the role as artist becomes the very moment you sign up to be a warrior for the greater good.”~#MarioCampanaro ©

Who We Are Behind What We Are Hiding



As long as I can remember, I have always been intensely passionate about observing and trying to discern what motivates us to make the choices we do in regards to the outcomes we consciously or unconsciously desire.

Though taking in world this way may not make me the life of the party at all times (lol) , it definitely keeps me extremely present with the company I keep.

Humanity fascinates me.

What we do, how we interact, how we listen or not, how we respond or not, even our own silence triggers me to understand and apply it all to Life and Art.

I always want to know what’s behind the social mask because the false concept of what the social mask represents is blatantly obvious.

Yet what I witness over and over is that damn thing called ‘fear’.

It’s not the kind of fear as if a tornado is about to swirl in stimulating the sympathetic nervous system.

It is that invisible internal omnipresent fear that is always whispering to us in the back of our mind.

It’s a fear of reality.

Imagine that!

A fear of reality…of everyday Life as it actually is in this here and Now present moment.

And then that fear expands to other parts of our Life like the Exxon oil spill corroding our perception of ourSelf and the world we live in.

So in turn, we begin to experience a  fear of connection between one another and our environment.

Then we develop a fear of compassion and kindness because it now feels foreign and creates all these ‘what-ifs’ that accompany the ‘risk’ of opening our heart to others.

So then we begin to hide our authentic Self exacerbating a fear of vulnerability for being seen and judged beyond a filtered ‘it’s all ok’ existence.


And so to costume our fear we adjust our behavior and our connections to avoid being seen or effected in a profound way.

A human way.

The one thing that has remained constant in everything I have observed is that we all yearn for our experience to be witnessed and validated.

This connects all of us.

But we go on validating our filtered lives as if our own Life is our own avatar never getting to reveal our true essence.

The thing that astounds me the most is when all cover-up is dropped and things get real, I can see people start to breathe deeper.

It is like this heavy burdensome weight has been lifted.

I can see their eyes shine brighter.

I can hear their voices vibrate stronger.

And most of all, I can see them happier and experiencing a new found peace.

Not so much because something has been lost.

But because something real has been found.

Art asks of us to show up in all our grit and glory.

Ironically this is exactly what happens towards the end of our life.

So if we know this is part of the inevitable journey, why not start our BEing right now rather than waiting.

What are we hiding and why?

Is it truly worth the work it takes to hide our authentic Self for the sake of an idea of how we think we are suppose to appear?

I don’t think so…

I can promise you everything you are behind what you think you have to be is far more interesting than you have ever admitted.


Reconnecting To Your Messengers


We all posses energetic reactions that occur as messengers to our present circumstances.

They can manifest in a myriad of ways but mostly noticed as the physical or emotional feeling life.

Yet we have gotten caught up in criticizing and second guessing these messengers that very often we lose our way and endlessly search for answers that innately exist within our own being.

Our lack of faith in our feeling life condemns us into a cerebral world shutting down our instinctual fire.

It does not take Jung or Freud to understand that this probably comes from years of being told what’s appropriate about how to feel and then react based on those feelings.

The truth is we are not encouraged to feel our feelings and trust our instincts.

We are taught to listen and believe what the ‘adults’ or ‘educators’ say is THE way.

Unfortunately for the artist, this conditioning can deprive us the opportunity to discover our own flow in a healthy creative manner.

How many times as children have we had our feelings surrounding a particular experience only to be shut down because it threatens the comfort zone of what is normal?

As a result, we reluctantly begin to adjust our feelings and hush our inner guide.

We develop habits in order to cope with our feeling life and manipulate our experience to go the way it is ‘suppose to go’.

We become a puppet pulled by the strings of our own avoidance.

Maybe we laugh, joke, sigh, hold our breathe, excessively clean, overwork, become sexually compulsive, drink, smoke, use drugs, etc just to hide from these physical and emotional messengers.

However when we allow ourself the opportunity to truly dip into and flow from this place of our own inner truth, our instincts open the floodgates for our own individual wisdom, guidance, and knowledge.

We begin to dissolve our own limitations, disintegrate our conditioning, and follow through with what we know is good and true for our best and highest purpose.

Being attuned, willing to trust, and allowing ourself to get back to this natural state gets us off the detour and on the right path for our individual needs.

That’s the gift of our feelings and the job of our instincts.

These are our own special little messengers.

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