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The Magic Of The Word “No”…

Transcript Of Video:

“That word ‘No’ shows itself as rejection…

Or a myriad of other things that asks us as artists to question our self-esteem…

And our worth…

In regards to what we are doing…

And us as instruments…

And the quality of our work…

And I think it is important because that word ‘No‘ becomes an amazing exercise in mirror work…

Because that word asks us to look at if we allow ourselves to crumble in the face of that word ‘No‘…

Or if we are able to persevere when we are confronted with that word ‘No‘…

That word ‘No‘ can really touch upon and trigger these things within us that we don’t know are there…

That unconsciously take us to a place that literally brings us down…

And so when we look at that we are able to say:

‘Ok, this is what the external world is telling me…

But you know what?…

What’s in my heart is more important…

And the belief I have in myself is stronger than what that external world is telling me right now.’

So it actually allows us to strengthen our will…

It allows us to strengthen our perseverance…

It allows us to strengthen our belief in ourself…

And that inner knowing to say:

‘Yes, I should be doing what I’m doing…

And that I believe in what I am doing…

And that I am going to continue to do what I am doing…

Despite all this rejection.’

Because honestly, the rejection has nothing to do with you…

What it really says, in my opinion, is that:

‘This puzzle piece doesn’t fit your puzzle piece at this time…

But there is a puzzle piece out there…

That does fit your puzzle piece.’

So you keep going…

Until you find that puzzle piece…

And something clicks…

And then you know…

You know what?

‘It was worth me going on this journey…

And I’m going to continue to do it…

And I’m going to continue to find all those puzzle pieces…

That put this grand picture of my life together.’

That’s where that word ‘No‘ becomes magic!”