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Why Settle For The Fern…When You Can Have The Whole Oak Tree?!

Transcript Of Video:

“Yeah, but why settle for the fern when you can have the whole oak tree?!

Don’t you see that it is your idea of what you think that breakthrough is ‘supposed’ to look like that is actually keeping you from receiving the breakthrough?

You are literally being held hostage by your idea of what you think the breakthrough is ‘supposed’ to be…

And therefore you shut the door to possibility.

That does not mean you do not continue to work and pursue your dreams..

And nurture them…

And have active intention…

But there has got to be a point where you surrender…

And trust…

And let go to this universal magic that makes everything grow…

And trust in your heart that you are deserving of the fruits of all that labor.

But right now, you are doing all this work and you are planting those seeds…

But you are sitting there waiting with this active intention of that seedling

And your missing out on the opportunity to receive the oak tree….

(When it’s right for you.)

Because you are so stuck on that little seedling.

Your limiting your possibility by your idea of what it ‘supposed’ to be.” 

The Diamond In Your “Baggage”…

Transcript Of Video:

“We’re all doing what we can moment to moment to improve our lives and our Life experiences.

So we have to give ourselves a break from the pressure of appearing to have it all together.

Because nobody has it all together.

And no matter how hard you try, life is always going to throw a new curveball at you.

And all you can do is do the very best you can with what you have.

And learn from the experience.

And then the glory in that, is that you not only improve your life experience, but then you can use that experience of overcoming…use that experience of strife…and put it in your work.

So it no longer becomes “baggage”.

It becomes the diamond that you can use for the purpose of art.”

The Best Masterclass On Acting…And One Every Actor Should Take!

Yes, but you’re still missing an important part of the equation.

It’s great to be reading all these books, and it’s wonderful to be going to all these classes, and participating in this or that workshop, or reaching out to this or that mentor…

But you’re still going to the middleman when you have full accessibility to go to the main source!

And that’s Life itself!

The very nature of what we do is revealing Life!

So why are we not turning to Life more when it comes to the craft of acting?

If we really want to learn to listen, turn to Life!

If we really want to learn about the pursuit of needs and overcoming obstacles, turn to Life!

If we really want to learn about relationships and circumstances in general, turn to Life!

Life is THE masterclass you will ever participate in.

It has all the answers you will ever need about the craft of acting.

And everything you will learn from it is completely applicable!

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