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When Acting No Longer Becomes Complicated…

Transcript of Video

“I think one of the biggest obstacles actors face…

Is this idea that they are not enough…

That who they are…

Are the core level…

Is not enough…

To bring to the material that at hand…

And so that is when acting no longer becomes fun…

That’s when acting becomes complicated…

That’s when acting becomes really heavy…

And stiff…

And there’s like this paralysis in the space…

Because they are trying to fit themselves into this idea approach…

Of what they think is suppose to be revealed…

In regards to the circumstances…

And what’s missing…

Is we’re looking for you to reveal yourself in those circumstances…

We’re looking for you to bring the accumulation of your life experiences…

And put them in these circumstances…

And see what happens…

And it’s when we get away from the idea…

And the blueprint…

Of how we think things are suppose to go…

And what we are suppose to be

That we start to experience this exhalation in the work…

We start to experience this freedom in the work…

We start to experience fun in the work…

Because we then allow ourselves to ride the rollercoaster of the scene…

Because we are not shackled by ideas…

We’re running free…

By using ourself as the instrument…

And seeing where it goes…

In those circumstances…

And when we allow ourselves to really own who we are…

Acting no longer becomes complicated…

It makes sense…

Things make sense…

It becomes easy…

It becomes fun…

It becomes free…

So I think the more we escape…

From the idea of what we think we are supposed to be…

And own who we are…

The more our work becomes this alive thing…

That we get to witness…

And it’s beautiful…

Because we see this human being…

Having a real experience…

In a public way…

It’s kinda cool!”



The Approach…

Transcript Of Video:

“My approach of working with actors…

I don’t believe that there is THE way to get there in the work.

I believe that there is A way…

And that way is really about what resonates and stimulates the actor to do…

And continue to do…

Unpredictable, exciting, truthful, authentic, honest work in relation to the written material or the circumstances that are at hand.

I think when we start to hone in on just one way…

It does us a disservice as actors because…

It really locks us into thinking that if ‘this way’ doesn’t work…

Then we are not good at what we do.

And that’s not true.

I think it is with any kind of art form…

We find what works for us…

And what we can rely on…

And what has our back…

And we continue to use that…

And cultivate that…

To create a toolbox…

And a support system…

For an art form that we love.

And that’s really what my objective…

And my spine of this entire studio is about.

It’s there to serve the actor individually.

And to continue to allow the actor to expand…

And grow…

And exercise…

And challenge their instrument to explore the entire color wheel of the human condition…

In a really safe and challenging environment.

I think that’s what makes us unique…

Because it does take all these approaches…

And gives the actor an opportunity to exercise…

And experiment with those approaches…

To see what really resonates and works for him or her…

And I think its a really inspiring environment to do that…

Because you see how different we all are…

With a common goal of revealing the truth…

Of this ‘pretend’ world…

And really about bringing this ‘pretend’ world alive…

With this ultimate truth…

That we call ‘acting’.”


Making $#!+ Happen!


If you are not willing to do the work…

Guess what?

There is someone out there who most certainly is.

As harsh as that may seem, it is absolutely true!

And as artists, this is true x 1000%.

In an industry where there are countless artists pursuing creative paths, you better believe that you have to fully show up to the plate if you expect to break in and break through.

It is the difference between an idea and a dream.

It is the difference between a hobby and a career.

An idea and a hobby are great but there is no personal risk factor if it does not happen.

In other words, your insides are not going to be tied up in knots and you are not going to lose sleep if it does not happen for you.

It is very c’est la vie.

When we get into dreams and a career, it matters.

You better believe it matters!

You want it.

You yearn for it.

You eat, drink and sleep it.

And if it is not happening, it most likely hurts.

It can even break your heart in its absence!

It means something to you in ways that make no sense other than your soul simply craves it.

But having dreams can only take you as far as you are willing to put in the work to make those dreams materialize.

Otherwise, they are just sitting there playing around in some imaginative part of your brain pressing upon that button that makes you hope and wish for that special something that it is going to magically make those dreams actualize before your very eyes.

But it does not work that way!

The common denominator with those fulfilling their dreams is that they work their asses off to make it happen.

When I think of all my students and clients out there that are having great successes, I can tell you first hand how much work and sacrifice they have put into the work they so profoundly love.

And once they are actually doing the work they love, they are working their asses off to make sure that the quality of work they are putting out there is congruent with all the work they did to actually make it all happen.

You have to do the work to make it happen!

And let’s be honest…

There are no days off if nothing is happening.

Even if it is one small thing everyday towards your goals…

Do it!

Do not wait until tomorrow!

Tomorrow is not guaranteed.

Many small things add up miraculously to become huge breakthroughs.

Sometimes this means making healthy and productive sacrifices along the way to make your dreams happen.

But no one is going to do the work for you.

These are your dreams and you have to be accountable for putting in all the necessary components…

And that includes the work.

If you want to experience a reality that allows you to do what you always dreamt of doing, you have to make it not just a dream.

You need to get yourself together and start getting in there and getting your hands dirty making the path to the destination.

First, you need the passion.

That passion is the thing that drives you forward no matter how many obstacles appear along the way.

And the majority of the time, there will be obstacles.

But it is that passion that keeps your eye on the prize and reminds you of the intention of what you are going after.

And that passion is necessary because it reiterates that whatever you are going after is alive and burning beautifully in your soul.

It is that passion that allows you to meet those obstacles eye to eye, learning from them, and then using them towards your goal.

Next, you need a fire in your belly that excites you and uses your creative resources to actually start creating.

That very fire gets things out of your head and into tangible reality.

It is that fire that allows you to experiment, to fall down, to make mistakes, and to learn what is useful and what is not along the path to making it all happen.

Then there is inspiration.

You need to be inspired to keep those creative juices flowing in your Spirit to want to continue to artistically explore and implement action towards your goals.

And if you are lacking inspiration…

Go seek it out!

Open your eyes…

And your ears…

And your heart!

Walk outside and just witness the splendor in everything around you.

There is a story in everything.

And this includes things you may have thought are just meaningless objects.

Allow Life to feed your soul so you can feed your creative path.

And then there is the discipline.

You need some kind of personal discipline to hold youself accountable for not allowing the momentum of what you are going after to slip through the cracks.

That discipline is a practice, just like any other practice, that keeps you productive and moving forward.

It keeps you learning.

It keeps you growing.

It keeps you trying.

It keeps your experimenting.

It keeps you expanding.

It keeps you active.

And it keeps you productive.

Finally, and most importantly, the work has to be fun.

The second you allow the fun to dissolve…

The second the enjoyment goes out the window…

It is no longer a dream…

It becomes a burden.

And that burden dampens the passion…

It smothers the fire…

It turns out the lights on inspiration.

And it turns productive discipline into a boring and unwilling obligation.

And then all is lost.

Keep it fun and remind yourself of why you chose your creative path to begin with.

So with all that said…

What are you waiting for?

Hold yourself accountable for the realization of your dreams.

Be the one that goes to work for you because you want it and you know it is possible.

Be the CEO of your own Life and continue to grow, learn, expand and evolve.

And if you are becoming aware that any of the above components are missing, you gotta change things up so you can make $#!+ happen!

You have to be your own grand manifester.

By the nature of who we are as artists, we are already creative beings which means we already have that manifestation gene within us.

We have to utilize it if we expect$#!+ to happen.

Be the one that makes it happen for you and then experience the bliss of our dreams as your reality!

Making $#!+ Happen!


If you are not willing to do the work…

Guess what?

There is someone out there who most certainly is.

As harsh as that may seem, it is absolutely true!

And as artists, this is true x 1000%.

In an industry where there are countless artists pursuing creative paths, you better believe that you have to fully show up to the plate if you expect to break in and break through.

It is the difference between an idea and a dream.

It is the difference between a hobby and a career.

An idea and a hobby are great but there is no personal risk factor if it does not happen.

In other words, your insides are not going to be tied up in knots and you are not going to lose sleep if it does not happen for you.

It is very c’est la vie.

When we get into dreams and a career, it matters.

You better believe it matters!

You want it.

You yearn for it.

You eat, drink and sleep it.

And if it is not happening, it most likely hurts.

It can even break your heart in its absence!

It means something to you in ways that make no sense other than your soul simply craves it.

But having dreams can only take you as far as you are willing to put in the work to make those dreams materialize.

Otherwise, they are just sitting there playing around in some imaginative part of your brain pressing upon that button that makes you hope and wish for that special something that it is going to magically make those dreams actualize before your very eyes.

But it does not work that way!

The common denominator with those fulfilling their dreams is that they work their asses off to make it happen.

When I think of all my students and clients out there that are having great successes, I can tell you first hand how much work and sacrifice they have put into the work they so profoundly love.

And once they are actually doing the work they love, they are working their asses off to make sure that the quality of work they are putting out there is congruent with all the work they did to actually make it all happen.

You have to do the work to make it happen!

And let’s be honest…

There are no days off if nothing is happening.

Even if it is one small thing everyday towards your goals…

Do it!

Do not wait until tomorrow!

Tomorrow is not guaranteed.

Many small things add up miraculously to become huge breakthroughs.

Sometimes this means making healthy and productive sacrifices along the way to make your dreams happen.

But no one is going to do the work for you.

These are your dreams and you have to be accountable for putting in all the necessary components…

And that includes the work.

If you want to experience a reality that allows you to do what you always dreamt of doing, you have to make it not just a dream.

You need to get yourself together and start getting in there and getting your hands dirty making the path to the destination.

First, you need the passion.

That passion is the thing that drives you forward no matter how many obstacles appear along the way.

And the majority of the time, there will be obstacles.

But it is that passion that keeps your eye on the prize and reminds you of the intention of what you are going after.

And that passion is necessary because it reiterates that whatever you are going after is alive and burning beautifully in your soul.

It is that passion that allows you to meet those obstacles eye to eye, learning from them, and then using them towards your goal.

Next, you need a fire in your belly that excites you and uses your creative resources to actually start creating.

That very fire gets things out of your head and into tangible reality.

It is that fire that allows you to experiment, to fall down, to make mistakes, and to learn what is useful and what is not along the path to making it all happen.

Then there is inspiration.

You need to be inspired to keep those creative juices flowing in your Spirit to want to continue to artistically explore and implement action towards your goals.

And if you are lacking inspiration…

Go seek it out!

Open your eyes…

And your ears…

And your heart!

Walk outside and just witness the splendor in everything around you.

There is a story in everything.

And this includes things you may have thought are just meaningless objects.

Allow Life to feed your soul so you can feed your creative path.

And then there is the discipline.

You need some kind of personal discipline to hold youself accountable for not allowing the momentum of what you are going after to slip through the cracks.

That discipline is a practice, just like any other practice, that keeps you productive and moving forward.

It keeps you learning.

It keeps you growing.

It keeps you trying.

It keeps your experimenting.

It keeps you expanding.

It keeps you active.

And it keeps you productive.

Finally, and most importantly, the work has to be fun.

The second you allow the fun to dissolve…

The second the enjoyment goes out the window…

It is no longer a dream…

It becomes a burden.

And that burden dampens the passion…

It smothers the fire…

It turns out the lights on inspiration.

And it turns productive discipline into a boring and unwilling obligation.

And then all is lost.

Keep it fun and remind yourself of why you chose your creative path to begin with.

So with all that said…

What are you waiting for?

Hold yourself accountable for the realization of your dreams.

Be the one that goes to work for you because you want it and you know it is possible.

Be the CEO of your own Life and continue to grow, learn, expand and evolve.

And if you are becoming aware that any of the above components are missing, you gotta change things up so you can make $#!+ happen!

You have to be your own grand manifester.

By the nature of who we are as artists, we are already creative beings which means we already have that manifestation gene within us.

We have to utilize it if we expect$#!+ to happen.

Be the one that makes it happen for you and then experience the bliss of our dreams as your reality!

Even At Your “Worst”…Keep Creating!!!


We all know that Life can throw us curve balls that knock us off track sometimes…

Sometimes those curve balls catch us of guard and we just have to laugh our asses off at the irony and say:

“Are you serious right now?!”…

And sometimes those curve balls knock the wind out of us and force us to crouch over with our hand up in the air saying:

“Ummm…Time out…Just give me a minute to catch my breath!”…

And then there are those other moments….

Oh, those other moments…

When those curve balls just come whaling at us…

Leaving us utterly speechless because there are no words to accompany such potentially shattering experiences…

And so we slowly make our way to the ground as the pregnant tears well up in our eyes…

Hoping the earth itself can somehow support such heaviness…

And we curl into that instinctual fetal position…

And listen to the buzz of the universal’s electro magnetic OM sound…

And hope that something comes along soon as the answer to rectify these really really crappy circumstances…

But wait?…

What if these crappy circumstances are the answer?…

What if within the complexity of these complex obstacles live the simplest of answers?…

What if all you are going through is the spark for something special?…

What if all you are going through is the food for your creative hunger?…

What if all you are going through is what inspires you to create something of profound substance?…

What if all you are going through is the fire you need to make the change you wish to see and experience?…

On a microcosmic level…

And yes…

Even on a macrocosmic level…

And then even on a bigger scale still…

What if all you are going through is guiding you towards your soul’s purpose?

What else would it be there for?

Really think about that?…

What is it all for?…

Just as punishment?…

Are you so bad, that Life just wants to treat you poorly and make you suffer?….

Are you really that bad?…

Is Life really that evil?…

I don’t think so…

I really really don’t think so…

We can leave that dark theory to someone else…

It is our experiences that feed us as artists…

We bring Light to all that darkness…

And it is all that darkness that forces us to the Light…

Artistcially speaking…

And yeah…

Spiritually speaking as well…

And the truth of the matter is that the more high stake our experiences are, the more we are usually inspired by them…

A banal everyday experience does not drive us to want to create…

It is what we have been through that is that driving creative force…

Everyday we have an opportunity to take those experiences and use them towards fulfilling our best artistic creative Life…

And as artists, we get to use those experiences towards fulfilling our creative dreams…

Only you truly have the power to realize every one of your own dreams…

You have to allow all you have been through to be the spark that keeps you creating…

We all come from and are made up of that magnificent creative Source…

Even at your “worst”, your creative energies are the exact medicine that actually will always keep you going….

It is your strength…

It is what allows for you to persevere…

And let’s be honest…

Don’t worry about everyone else’s take on things…

Your inner experience need not be understood by the others…

Let that go…

We cannot possibly expect the others to viscerally understand an experience that has never been tasted…

You may struggle hearing the most uninformed (I’m trying to be PC using the word ‘uninformed’) of things in response to your experience…

But you have to put it all into perspective…

It’s like asking a small child to solve an equation without ever taking a math class…

That child would look at you like your nuts and probably cover it with some crayola crayons…


Still creative though…

That’s my kinda kid!…

Everything can only be understood by one’s accumulated Life knowledge up to that point in time…

But the experience is for you to grow, solve, expand, evolve, and share…

Yes, even at your “worst”…

Especially at your “worst”…

Keep going!

Suffer through if you must…

But never let adversity see you share a drop of fearful sweat…

Wipe your brow…

Take a breath…

Look at it in ‘its’ face…

Smile like a professional…

And say:

“Game on biatch!”

And then fight, wrestle, kick and scream with that ‘it’ if you must…

But never stop using that fire to continue creating…

Do it FOR YOU…

The power is in your hands…

In your mind…

And in your heart…

If you use what Life has given you, Life will have your back!

Now go make your creative mark!

Becoming The Perfect Actor (A Life Lesson)…

Transcript Of Video:

“You are a human being…

It is in your nature to make mistakes…

It is in your nature to fail…

It is in your nature to fall down…

And get messy…

And get dirty…

And get sloppy…

But I want you to understand something…

It is your desire to be so perfect in the work that is actually keeping you from doing the work that you are talking about wanting to do…

You need to start honoring your mistakes…

You need to start celebrating your failures…

You need to allow yourself to get messy…

Because you have to allow yourself to be human…

You cannot reach for this ‘ideal’ of what you think a ‘perfect’ actor is…

A perfect actor is one that endows their imperfections…

That understands it is not easy to be human…

A perfect actor is a person that understands that humans go through shit and have to try to overcome them (obstacles)…

And it hurts…

And it is messy…

And they got to get up…

And they got to limp through it…

And it is real…

You cannot be scared of that aspect of who you are…

You have to honor it!”

The Adjustment vs. The Craft

Transcript Of Video:

“That adjustment is there for you to have an experience in a moment that can open you to the truth of the circumstances…

But when you leave you have to question…

Did that adjustment give you what you needed to understand how you can repeat that in some unpredictable way the next time you are addressing the material?…

The adjustment is not the craft…

The adjustment is the exploration of the moment…

You still have to develop something that works for you that resonates and stimulates with your instrument to continue to do truthful, profound, unpredictable, exciting work…

And there is not THE way to get there…

There is A way to get there…

And that is the way that works FOR YOU…

So you need to start honing in on specific areas of craft that really DO something to your instrument so you can apply that to your work in the real world…

And we need to explore that in this room…

We need to explore that so you can continue to grow…

So you can continue to exercise that muscle…

But you cannot be dependent upon the adjustment!”

ACTORS! HERE’S WHAT IT TAKES! (An Excerpt Of An Instagram Live Masterclass)

Actors: Bringing The Light To The Darkness…

Transcipt Of Video:

“It asks of us to look in our own being…

And see how we can become congruent with those given circumstances…

To reveal truth to those given circumstances…

And the way that I really encourage actors to go to that place…

Is reminding them…

That there is light in that place…

By us revealing that dark side of the human condition…

We’re actually serving humanity…

To show these are areas of the human condition that we still need to evolve in…

And ‘I’m’ (the actor) going to be the instrument that actually brings that to light…

So we can have awareness of that…

And hopefully see a transformation in that side of the human condition…

And so it becomes a pillar of service…

And that’s really what artistry is after all…

It’s service for the human condition…

For human kind…”

F#$% You Fear…

Transcipt Of Video:
“Hey guys, in two months I am going to be 41 years old and it is going to be my 17th year teaching acting…

(So ummm 18 years‍♂️Luckily I did not become a math teacher!)

I started teaching when I was 23 years old…

I probably had no business teaching at that point…

But I did…

And I committed my life to helping actors formulate a craft that stimulates their instrument…

To to do unpredictable…

And exciting…

And truthful work..

In relationship to the circumstances…

While also maintaining the joy of the art form that your heart loves doing…

And the one thing that I found in 17 years…

(There’s the math again ‍♂️)

That always gets in the way of all that…

Is fear!

Because that fear is responsible for ripping the joy out of our work…

And our creative process…

Which in turn is going to really affect the joy in our lives…

So what I’m trying to get people to do…

Is start looking at that fear in the eye…

And do yourself a favor…

And take back your power…

By looking at the structures that that fear has put up…

And held you in bondage…

And dismantle them by doing the internal work that says…

F#$% YOU !

I’m not dealing with this anymore…

I’m coming back into who I AM!

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